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My sister_我的姐姐英语记事作文500字

2019-12-24 19:30:01

My sister_我的姐姐英语记事作文500字

My sister was capable, and she always help, care and protect me. But I am jealous of my sister, her jealousy is even worse than I do. So I sometimes intentionally disruptive, put my sister worked so hard to wash clothes to make clean, throw the rubbish and good... The relationship between both of us siblings and, therefore, is not very good, although she is very inclusive me and tolerate me, but can't stand my naughty naughty every time. And I also envy because she never called her a "sister".

That day, I was naughty, there results angered her. She asked me to get angry anymore, but I have heard and then cried and ran out, ran for a long time for a long time, I don't know where to run to, just feel tired, fell asleep on the lawn. I'm in a daze ambiguously hear elder sister call I, when I looked up at day, only to find that it was already very late already, can not help but a little worry and fear......In the midst of the confusion, my sister came to me and looked breathless. My heart calmed down when my sister was sweating.

"How did you get here..." I haven't finished yet, my sister scolded, "how do you run around, do you know we are all worried about you, you are so big, why don't you know?" My goat, explosive and immediately WeiQuGan, looked up at the counter, only to find that the elder sister, a full face of tears listening to her sister's curses, sister to see the tears shed, suddenly found the sister hand injury... The wound was so obvious, as if laughing at my ignorance, my willfulness, "what's the matter with you..." "Nothing, just accidentally fell, go, we go home!" I was in a trance when I saw my sister's frantic rush to find me. I understood...

I took the sister's hand, only to find that her same age girl's hand, other people's hand is so close, but her sister's hand is so rough, perhaps this is she capable price... I was thinking about to apologize to her sister, but heard my sister said "I'm sorry, today is my bad, should not temper to you, and you don't run around next time, we are very worried about you, know..." Listening to my sister's ramble, tears burst from tears and said softly, "I'm sorry, sister!" "At last you will call me 'sister'

Perhaps my sister felt my unhappiness, and then joked, "let's go home soon! Otherwise I'll starve to the streets... we're better than the fastest, start, run!" "Sister, you raiskin, wait for me!"

Looking up at the starry sky, I never found it to be so colorful!

Since then, my relationship with my sister has become better, and I will automatically take care of the housework and help my sister.

Sister, and the moment of holding hands, you let me know your care and love for me. I will take your hand, I will walk to the future......




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