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初三英语作文800字:Everyone has his or her dream

2019-12-28 05:45:01

初三英语作文800字:Everyone has his or her dream

Everyone has his or her dream, including me . Maybe you aren’t a clever boy or girl, but the most important factor I think is ourselves. My dream is to become a boss and have my own company. I know achieving my dream is very difficult. So I have makd a plan to achieve my dream. First of all, I must be confident, if I am lack of confidence, no matter whatever I do ,k even if I am a taleant person in everyboyd’s eyes, perhaps I won’t make my dream come true.

Next, I need lots of experience, especially when I fail, I need to find the cause of failure and how I should do better. As for me , I want to be a boss, of course, that is my dream , maybe it’s hard for me to achieve it, but I will try my best to do it.

At last , believe in myself and always remember that never give up, just do it !i firmly believe that practice makes great progress. Because the opportunity is always given to the people who work hareder !

Trust me , my dream will come true one day.



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