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初三英语作文600字:The teacher I like best

2019-12-29 22:00:01

初三英语作文600字:The teacher I like best

Everyone has his or her favorite teacher, including me. When I was a student,I started to have my favorite teacher. Now my favorite teacher is Chemistry teacher. Because I like him very much and I am crazy about Chemistry.

When I have first Chemistry class.I think he is very outgoing and funny.He always tells jokes to us.Then when he is teaching,he will be more serious.He will be strict with us in study.I think he is a good teacher. I think he is so cute,like a cartoon person ,he is a little bit heavy and he is of medium height. He has big eyes and short curly black hair .

This is my favourite teacher .We often call him“Huang Tai Lang”.How about your favourite teacher.



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