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A birthday present_生日礼物初中生英语作文120字

2019-12-31 18:45:01

A birthday present_生日礼物初中生英语作文120字

When I was eight years old . A friend gave me a birthday present . It was my first present . Although it was a book .

It was the early autumn of my sencond year at my new school , but I was afraid to speak to the other students . I felt lonely . And my birthday is on Sepember 25th . It was Wednesday . I remember it , but forgot others. When my friend gave me a book . I was very happy . I said “Thanks” to her . I felt the touch of something bright and friendly . We have been close friendships . We stuck together like glue .

If you have a pair of bright eyes . You can found it the world is very beautiful .




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