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2020-01-01 13:00:01

◆您现在正在阅读的小学生英语课外阅读文章内容由<趣文网>收集, 本站地址:m.qwen.cn,版权归原作者所有.!


Jimmy is visiting Beijing

Jimmy and his family are in Beijing today. They are visiting the Palace Museum. It belonged to the kings many years ago, but it is open to tourists now.

There are many great buildings and gardens in the Palace Museum. Some are bigger than a football field. They have to walk a lot inside.

Jimmy can find many interesting things in the Palace Museum. There is a beautiful wooden chair in the middle of the sitting room. Jimmy wants to sit on it, but a guard comes quickly and stops him. Jimmy feels sorry. He shouldn’t sit on the chair because it is very expensive.

The whole family will go to the Great Wall tomorrow. Jimmy’s father doesn’t let him walk alone. Jimmy should follow his parents when they walk on the Great Wall.

True or false? Write “T” if it is true, write “F” if it is false.


1. Jimmy and his family are in Nanjing today. ( )

2. They are visiting the Palace Museum. ( )

3. The Palace Museum is still closed now. ( )

4. There are many interesting places in the Palace Museum. ( )

5. It is not very big in the Palace Museum. ( )

6. Jim sees a beautiful wooden chair in front of the sitting-room. ( )

7. The tourists can sit on the wooden chair. ( )

8. Jimmy and his family are going to visit the Great Wall next week. ( )

Put the following into English.


1. 故宫博物院_____________ 5. 许多年以前_______________

2. 足球场_________________ 6. 长城_____________________

3. 属于___________________ 7. 伟大的建筑_______________

4. 必须,不得不___________ 8. 在……中间_______________

Answer the following questions.


1. Who did the Palace Museum belong to many years ago?


2. What’s in the Palace Museum?


3. Do they need to walk a lot in the Palace Museum?


4. Why can’t Jimmy sit on the wooden chair?


What else do you know about the Palace Museum? Talk with your friends. Then write them down in English.





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