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spirited away_千与千寻英语观后感700字

2020-01-04 23:45:02

This was a film "spirited away". Because I'm not Hayao Miyazaki, I don't understand what Hayao Miyazaki was thinking about when he was writing the film and what he was going to bring to us. If it is the theme of growth, the film is like a miniature of the child's world, and the millennium is the child's representative. It includes two worlds: the real world and the spiritual world. That is, it allows us to see that there are many bad things in the real world: human greed, cold, numbness and so on, and Chihiro is a negative example of these phenomena, she always remind of something humans are disappearing: innocence, kindness, courage, harmony, etc.When Qian Qian and her parents entered another world which is not a reality, a human being was unwelcome there, and the gods felt that the world was bad. The journey of growth began.

From a long time ago, it was known that there was a cartoon like this, but it was the first time to watch the summer vacation. The story is very dramatic and fairy tale. From the long old tunnel, the strange stone carving to the "talking house", the beginning of the movie gives people a horrible feeling. They came to a strange town. There was no one in the town, but there was a delicious food. The thousand homing father and mother did not take care of the thousand homing and eat unattended food without permission. Thousands of helplessness had to walk around the town, hoping to find something. As it was getting dark, Chihiro accidentally saw the tram, the excitement was called a white boy shouted back. In the film, the race of the thousand search and the lamp is worth the aftertaste, and the helpless cry from the side reflects the weakness of the human being.

Not their own things can not be, only the things that you have to work hard to use in mind. When the man without face to Chihiro gold, Chihiro no, because she doesn't need, not greedy, that does not belong to her things, and that is because of the love of money is the frog man without face to swallow. Man without face, he is lost in the capital of desire and can not find himself. He changed gold, because people like gold. In reality, too many people in authority, hedonism, money worship. In the course of the growth of children, we have taught them not to learn to worship money and to find their true value.

No fancy animation, no complex characters, it tells the story of a similar to Western fairy tales in "the wizard of Oz" story: Chihiro and parents into a very strange town, parents variation for the pig, in danger of being slaughtered, yubaba's apprentice in white, under the boiler grandpa Linda and sister help and their own unremitting efforts, finally one family reunion. Even so, but the author's feelings very delicate, so very touching, even in the eighty thousand immortals and ghosts debut of the nether world, often also can feel the beauty of Japanese folk in the ways of the world. This is one of the attractions of the film.

Chihiro world is so beautiful and tranquil, like flowers in full bloom in the summer with the same nature. When the young white dragon fly, gentle wind blowing over the ears; when the Tsing Yi girl lapras vacated, hair flying; the moment we had so firmly believe that. However, the world is so impermanent. As if the wind and cloud suddenly changed direction, we looked forward to waiting for the picture to slide silently like a trolley and disappear in the distance. Only hear white dragon gently shaking his head and say, "little thousand, you must remember, never turn back, you must always go forward..."




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