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The Importance of Civilized Behavior_文明行为的重要性英语作文150字

2020-01-16 23:15:01

China's international status is getting higher and higher, so it is necessary to improve the quality of its citizens. This not only reflects the image of a country, but also reflects its own self-cultivation.

Sometimes, some people's behavior in daily life is wrong. For example, walking in the street, we can see some people spitting everywhere, some people littering. In restaurants, people eat without paying attention to etiquette. In the park, people pick flowers and trample on the grass. These are very uncivilized acts.

If these uncivilized manners are not corrected in time, it will have a bad impact on China. Therefore, from now on, we should first break away from our bad habits and make our speech and behavior more civilized. At the same time, we should also tell others the importance of civilization and urge them to do the right thing.




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