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my hometown_我的家乡小学生英语诗歌作文200字

2020-01-24 17:00:01

my hometown_我的家乡小学生英语诗歌作文200字

My father had ever told me :

His home was in a remote village

Where flowers shed perfume in spring .

Ripe fruits fall from trees.

You would never have to work.

live there like a paradise.

At night ,

Between the Milk Way ,

The Cowshed and the Girl weaver are talking their story of love.

My home is in a large town:

In front of my gate

Is a busy way which vehicles come and down.

My parents always told me :

Not to go out !

Fearing l was brought by a stranger to a distant place .

During days,

the sun always hide in the gray sky.

Yet,at night,

lights are blazing and all sorts of voices will vist your ears.

I want to look for the place

Where TAOYUANMING had said.

But where it is!

Sometimes l also went to my uncle’s home,


He and his wife were once planting a field.

Vegetables and melons were growing happily,

and Some people were busying weeding for them.

I don’t know how about my future home.

I don’t wish it like this:

Bad smells coming from the back stream,

and lots of the babies of mosquitoes living in.

The fruits are only the very expensive organically-grown ones:

It is the solely for the rich to have!

My home ,my country!

I hope you become beautiful.

Like a young girl,

Wearing a full-length dress,

Coming towards me.

I will present you a bunch of flowers,

I want you become the most wonderful wide in the world!




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