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2020-05-17 12:30:01

www.ruiwen.com 人物类英语作文

在生活中,总会有平凡的英雄在无意之间伸出援手帮助你,所以小编今天为大家分享的是受别人帮助的英语,欢迎阅读。 受别人帮助的英语作文1

We all need other s help, especially when we are in difficulties. I remember when I started to learn English in primary school, I was poor in it.I even couldn t pronounce the words correctly. My English teacher Miss Sun noticed it and came to help me. She gave me some English tapes and asked me to practice speaking in class.She also talked with me in English. It worked! My English was improved little by little. Now English is my favorite subject. Six years have passed and I never forget Miss Sun s help. I find one s help to others is very important. It may change others life. So when there is someone that needs my help, I would give them a hand.


In a hot summer day,I suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable,Mum guess I was suffering from heat exhaustion,it twisted me,Ah!Really heat up.On the neck of purple black,dead,cannot eat snacks.Night,I do summer jobs in rice store,my mother came back home meal delivery for the cat to eat.After a while,I m busy with boring,make a phone call to MOM, Beep!Beep! Hey,I found doing? Calling the head voice of a mother. You come back soon,by the way:I buy something to eat! My little greedy cat said.About had has almost half a hours,mother sweat of back has,two a hand in also respectively took has a chicken fin and a a chicken thigh,are is spicy of,I can eat,looking a looking mother,she to with I buy eat of,has specially of from I home there go a bending,to series series fragrant shop in to I buy,you see,she who of clothes has was sweat playing wet has I can t help of to that chicken thigh to mother eat,I eat chicken fin,mother pleased of laugh has,probably is because this is I head once sensible of sake s!

By this time,I love my mother is,but I usually don t notice!I love you MOM!



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