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2020-06-01 12:51:01

How to improve English ?Many friends often ask me, "How to learn English well?" I always tell them, "Try your best to like it first!" As everyone knows, nothing is difficult if you like to do it.In fact, learning English is really interesting. Singing English songs is a good way to remember words. It can make you believe in yourself. Keeping a diary in English is also a good way. Trying to use what you have learned to express your ideas is really great. And talking with others in English is interesting, too. Don’t forget to take notes in English classes if necessary. Learn it, love it! Come on, my friends.You are sure to learn English much better.仔细读读,很简单的,如果哪句不懂欢迎随时追问;若满意请及时采纳最佳答案,谢谢)



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