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2020-08-07 10:57:01


About Travel 旅行英语作文150字 There is a saying that You can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way. With the improvement of living standards, more and more people have time and money to travel. During traveling, on...

The benefits of traveling 旅行的益处英语作文90字 I am always interested in traveling. My reasons are quite simple and clear. If anybody is not satisfied with my viewpoint, I shall be greatly surprised at his ways of thinking. In the first place,...

A holiday joural 假期旅行五年级英语作文120字 My holiday was very interesting. I did my homework on first day. I played tennis on second day. I watch TV on the third day. I went to shopping on the fourth day. ?I ..... but i like going shopping...

Beijing is in the north of China , and its the capital of China . Lots of tourists visit Beijing every year . Beijing is a small but beautiful and busy city . It has a big population and many famous places . For exzample : The Summer Palace , the Pal...

Last week, I went to Beijing with my good friend Chen Weiming. Were going to stay in Beijing for three days. The first day of the morning, visited the Tiananmen square. In the afternoon, we visited the Great Wall. The second day, we spent in the Summe...

I often make a trip by trains because it s both cheap and comfortable. Last winter holidays I traveled in a car for the first time in my life. At first I didn t feel well. But this kind of feeling didn t last long. the trip was exciting. While travelling...

A good trip Hi,Im Helen.It was sunny last Sunday.We had a school trip.Ww rode bikes to West Park in the morning.We got there at 9 oclock.We watched the animal show at the zoo.Then we went boating on the lake in the Center of the park.We also took lots...

The life without the travel is like a car without wheels. Everyone in the contemporary world will experience traveling. And opinions during traveling vary from person to person. Some people tend to enjoy going traveling. First of all, they have the op...

April 8th,Sunday Sunny Last Sunday,I had a trip to Sunny farm with my classmates.Its a nice day.There are many animals in the farm.I fed a cow,a sheep,an elephant.My classmates was help farmer to do some things.At lunch ,we ate a lot of delicious food in...

Exciting trip 激动人心的旅行英语作文80字 I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of di...


什么是旅行?向外奔走是旅行,静静坐着是旅行,看书阅读是旅行。旅行的含义是个广泛的,它不应该狭隘的被约束在一个圈子里。 然而不论是何种旅行,也走不出母亲的圈子。十四年前,搭...

幸福在哪里?幸福就是全家人一起去旅游。 爸妈一直辛勤的工作,已有一段很长的时间没有好好休息了,趁着周休,我们到舅舅家度假,并一起去找阿姨玩。 阿姨带我们住在大桐乡的民宿,那里...

旅行的目的有许多种,也许是了解风土民情,也许是放松心情、调剂身心,又或者是增长见闻。不管是哪一种,都有它的意义所在,就以增广见闻来说好了。 古人就曾经讲过一句名言:行万里路,...

忘了是哪天,几年级,爸爸许我一个高考愿望,他说,等我考上大学,一定帮我实现,不知道为什么,我脱口而出我要去看海。几个月前,爸爸兑现了他的承诺,那是我第一次去看海。 海不蓝...


每一次的旅行,都会伴随着一段记忆的逝去,一分牵绊的解开。于是乎,便渐渐地开心起来,这便是我对旅行的定义。 而这一次,有幸搭着顺风出,展开了本次的陕西之旅。 在深夜,车子快速...


早晨六点,我被妈妈叫醒了!我迷迷糊糊来到了卫生间,洗漱完了去穿好衣服,再扎好辫子已经七点了。我们去吃过早饭就开始第三天的旅行咯! 下楼到大堂退了在西岛的房间后,我们要去坐...

一,二,三,亮一,二,三,亮 在靠窗的位置上,手里转着笔,透过玻璃看着外面远处高楼上为飞机导航的红灯,数着它闪烁的节奏。然而它们也只是静静的伫立在城市上空记录着一个城市的...


旅行有什么意义?当然有!旅行不但能让我们放松身心,还能增广见闻,留下美好的回忆呢!所谓读万卷书,行万里路,就是鼓励我们亲身体验旅行的意义。 今年暑假我们全家来了一场说走就走的...



With the general standard of living improvingand the working week becoming shorter,more andmore people are able to make a holiday trip toplaces of interest. While many like to joinpackage tours fro convenience,I prefer to travel on my own. I like trav...

坐在出租车上,我微眯起眼,隔着车窗望去,细妙微雨在风中飞舞下落,有那么一些驻足在车窗上,点缀在窗外。耳边是母亲在与司机攀谈:你孩子多大了啊?你是住在小区几号楼? 我要去靖...

last week my parents and l had a picnic ....

Last week, I went to Shunde with my classmates. One of my classmates is our guide because she comes from Shunde. Shunde is famous for its food. We went to eat lunch first when we arrived there. We ate many things for lunch. What especially attracts my...

A good trip It was sunny and warm today.I went to Uncles farm with my parents.We took a bus there.It took us about 20 minutes.On the farm my mother milked the cows and watered the flowers.My father picked some strawberries and we took them home in the...

我们一家三口来到了海南旅行,妈妈说要放飞心情。 晚上,我和爸爸、妈妈到海边溜跶,看看夜间的大海到底有多么汹涌。到了海边,发现夜间的大海不仅很汹涌,而且还很神秘呢! 沙滩上,只有...

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  1. 2021-10-17 18:19潇湘,深夜雨【忙暂离】[香港网友]IP:3407366675
  2. 2020-07-18 00:32丫头恨倾城[江苏省网友]IP:3415280337


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