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2020-08-22 08:42:01

保护环境的四级英语作文 >>> 保护环境的四级英语作文

2018 01 15



It is reported that ten big cities in China are being ranked among the top twenty cities with the highest pollution index in the world. This means it is high time we did something to bring the situation under control.

Many factors are contributing to the deteriorating situation: industrial wastes pumped into the air, the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the widespread use of plastic bags etc.

To my view, stiffer laws and regulations must be implemented to check pollution. Industries that release wastes without permission should be heavily fined. Cars should be equipped to minimize the exhaust they release into the air. And the use of plastic bags and disposable meal boxes should be banned. What s more, the media should play an important role in implanting a sense of environmental consciousness into people s mind.examda.com

If everybody works toward a common goal of making the environment better, we can create a cleaner and lovelier world for us and for the coming generation.


Low carbon life is the lifestyle of the time to minimize energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Low carbon life, for those of us ordinary people is an attitude to life. It gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life issues.Taomi Shui can be used to wash their hands every day, clean furniture, water the flowers and so on. Clean, natural moisture;Scrap paper will pave the lowest in the closet can not only absorb moisture, can absorb the smell in the closet;Drink tea residue, dry it, make a tea pillow comfortable, and help to improve sleep;

Lifestyle to reduce energy consumption when, thereby reducing the carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions. Low carbon life, for us ordinary people, an attitude, not ability, we should actively promote and to practice the low carbon life, pay attention to energy saving, fuel efficient, water saving, solar terms, starting from scratch.

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