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英语作文 地球是人类唯一的家园 由于人类无节制地开发自然资源 生态平衡遭到严重破

2020-08-22 11:00:01

Only one earth. Today the Earth, due to the wanton destruction of human beings, her beautiful appearance already riddled with problems. She is also the date that the rich resources of nearly dried up. A beautiful planet in the hands of ignorant people, has become increasingly close to the perished.Our mother river the Yellow River, its surging momentum has conquered every Chinese descendants. Then, who would have thought that every day is the Yellow River washed away the soil there? Very little vegetation in the area of the upper Yellow River, coupled with a large number of human deforestation, scarce vegetation bolt live earth is a red water, they dissolve into the surging river, not only the river is becoming stale, but, because a lot of sedimentation, riverbed, causing flooding in flood, the river drying up, the mother lost her beautiful former presence. Therefore, the protection of forests. Green home, a great responsibility.Modern civilization has brought happiness to mankind. But behind civilization, one problem after another. Air pollution. Water pollution has become a problem can not be ignored. Factory discharged from sewage, waste gas, causing serious pollution of water, air. In today, it has been difficult to find a completely contaminated the river. Now the hot weather every day, which is due to destruction of the earths surface atmosphere, causing the atmosphere can not entirely resist damage from the suns ultraviolet irradiation, which gives us a serious health threat.Facing harsh living environment of Earth Day, let us act now to save the planet!

英语作文 地球是人类唯一的家园 由于人类无节制地开发自然资源 生态平衡遭到严重破坏 请重点围绕保



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