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2020-08-22 13:00:01

导航:> 关于保护环境的高中英语作文3篇 更新时间:2018 5 1 21:26:00浏览量:235 关于保护环境的高中英语作文3篇来自小周记热点推荐。保护环境,早在“不涸泽有鱼,不焚林而猎”的古训。下面是小周记 XiaozhouJi.Com小编给大家精心挑选的关于保护环境的高中英语作文带翻译,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 关于保护环境的高中英语作文篇1 in recent days, the spring flowers blossomed, and my mother and i often went out to play. in the park, looking at the beauty, the in the mind very happy, but to look on the ground, the ground rubbish piece, can see people eat food bag under the tree, milk boxes, bottles... in the bin bags, milk box outside a lot of dirty things, from time to time step on the road to not drink milk, sometimes stepped on eat bubble gum... there is a lot of leftover trash in the street where you sell snacks, disposable plastic bags, disposable chopsticks, soup, etc. the air could smell a lot of foul odour, and the environment was miasma. rubbish is not only dirty, but also harmful to the human body. it is home to flies, mice and harmful bacteria. garbage can be a hassle, and if it s buried in the soil for hundreds of years, it can t be broken down, it stinks, and it pollutes the air. i suggest you do the following: 1. don t spit everywhere. go out for dinner and bring your own chopsticks. because disposable chopsticks are made from wood. buy vegetables in your own bag. let s protect our mother earth! 最近几天,春暖花开,我和妈妈经常出去玩。在公园里,看着美景,心里很开心,可是往地上一看,地上垃圾成片,在树下面可以看到人们吃过的食品袋、牛奶盒、饮料瓶 在垃圾箱外面有塑料袋、牛奶盒很多脏东西,在马路上时不时会踩到没喝完的牛奶,有时还会踩到吃过的泡泡糖 在路边卖小吃的地方有许多吃剩的垃圾,一次性塑料袋、一次性筷子、汤水等,苍蝇在上面乱飞 空气中能闻到许多恶臭味,好好的环境被弄得乌烟瘴气。 垃圾不仅脏,而且对人体有害。它是苍蝇、老鼠和有害细菌的大家园。垃圾处理起来比较麻烦,要是埋在土里几百年也不能分解掉,烧了的话气味难闻,还污染了空气。 我建议大家做好以下几点:1.不要随地吐痰。2.出去吃饭要自己带筷子。因为一次性筷子是用木头做的。3.买菜在自己带布袋子。 让我们一起保护我们的地球妈妈吧! 关于保护环境的高中英语作文篇2 now, the earth has changed dramatically, the buildings are everywhere, new cars are on the highway, people are wearing new clothes. but the earth has changed so much that it has changed enough for any politician to scratch his head. how beautiful the earth was before! blue sky is green, green mountains green water, birds of the flower, everywhere is fairyland. the death of the city is a cautionary tale for mankind, which has been cutting down trees indefinitely. loulan is the ancient silk road station, in the han dynasty, the city has a tree, a tower, a river, the shop is linked together, merchants gathered, beside, and lop nur were systematically stud ed a vibrant and prosperous scene. but now, only ruins remain prosperous land, lakes were dry, by experts research, is due to the wind rain and man made destruction caused the extinction of plant. but that didn t get people attaches great importance to, and then had the yellow river burst its banks beijing sandstorm events such as , all the earth s land area has a third is the desert. although people have begun to protect the environment, but it is a drop in the ocean, according to statistics, only a day to cut down trees more than thousand made disposable chopsticks of trees to make furniture,... trees in reduced day by day, people to plant new trees speed than the speed of cutting down trees, forever green on earth has been more and more pale, yellow expand from day to day. people ah, please don t damage, don t cut down trees, don t let the land desertification in the day to day, let us together to protect our earth, protect our common homeland, let our life become more beautiful. 现在,地球比以前发生了翻天覆地的变化,处处高楼林立,崭新的车辆在公路上飞驰,人们穿戴一新。可是,地球却发生了很大的变化,让变化足以让任何政洁家挠头。 以前,地球是多么美啊!蓝天碧海,青山绿水,鸟语花香,四处都是仙境。可人类无限制的砍伐树木,环境一天天地恶化,“楼兰之死”就是给人类的一个警示。楼兰是古丝绸之路的中转站,在汉朝时,城里有树,有塔,有河,店铺相连,客商云集,旁边还有罗布泊,一片生机勃勃、繁荣昌盛的景象。可如今,繁荣之地只剩下一片废墟,湖泊已经干枯,经专家考证,是由于风吹雨淋加上人为破坏导致了植物的灭绝。 然而这并没得到人们的高度重视,接着又有了“黄河决堤”“北京沙尘暴”等事件,全地球土地面积有三分之一都已经是沙漠了。 虽然人们已经开始保护环境,但无疑是杯水车薪,据统计,仅每天去砍伐树木的车辆不下十万,用树木来做家具,做一次性筷子 树木在一天天的减少,人们种植新树的速度永远比不上砍伐树木的速度,地球上的绿色已经越来越淡,黄色却在一天天地扩大。 人们啊,请不要再破坏植物了,不要砍伐树木了,不要再让土地荒漠化在一天天地扩大,让我们一起来保护我们的地球,保护我们共同的家园,让我们的生活变得更美好。 关于保护环境的高中英语作文篇3 what, don t use plastic bag, environmental protection and i how close? what, to go the old way throw rubbish, waste time! what, the rubbish classification, which pay attention so much! people often talk about environmental protection, but few people really care about the environment, so my green little guard is out again. from school in the afternoon, on the road, he saw a student with a new drink bottles, stood in the bin two metres away, posing a shot, then a vote, but not into, the man s mouth scolded 1: it s a shame that his mama of, again into. as i walked away, i couldn t help but raise a ring fire in my heart. i went over and said something about the man, and he said, why, i didn t throw your house. what do you say i do? i had no choice but to throw the coke bottle into the trash can and go. to say this is not the worst, the worst, and i saw a news on the internet: a sweeping the street cleaners was at work, a man just like in the back, where the cleaner sweep, where he threw more or less, so a few back and forth, the cleaners had to said 1: eldest brother, the bin there, would you please throw to go there. the man said, what? i love it. in today s society, there are many people who are environmentally conscious, but not more environmentally conscious, so we should act to stop these people. according to statistics, in 20xx, beijing daily produces daily waste of 1, 360,000 tons, and produces nearly 5 million tons of garbage a year. if they are compacted, the size of a meter wide by 5 meters will be stacked into a wall of more than 1, 000 kilometers long. see the above data, i think we should know the importance of environmental protection, oh, forget it, and others, pitching over there, i want to go to stop, who call me along with environmental protection! “什么,不用塑料袋,环保与我何关呢?”“什么,要走老远丢垃圾,浪费时间!”“什么,垃圾分类,哪注意那么多啊!”人们常把环保挂在嘴边,却没有几个人真正在意环保,所以,我这个“环保小卫士”又出动了。 下午放学,在路上看见一个学生拿着一个刚喝完的可乐瓶,站在里垃圾箱两米开外的地方,摆出一个投篮的姿势,随即一投,只可惜没进,那个人嘴里骂了一句:“他妈的,又没进,真倒霉。”就走了,我心中不由升出一股无名火,我走过去说了那人几句,他却说:“怎么,又没扔你家,你说我干什么!”我没办法,只好将可乐瓶扔进垃圾桶中,走了。这还不是最糟糕的,要说最糟糕的,还是我在网上看见的一则:一位扫马路的清洁工正在工作,一位男子就跟在后面,那个清洁工扫到哪里,他就或多或少的扔到哪里,这样几个来回,那位清洁工只好说了一句:“大哥,垃圾箱在那里,请你扔到那里去。”那名男子却说:“怎么,我喜欢,你管的着吗。” 当今社会,有环保意识的人不少,但是没有环保意识的更多,所以说我们应该行动起来,阻止这些人。据统计,20xx年,北京市每天生产的生活垃圾达1、36万吨,一年生产的生活垃圾近500万吨。如果将他们压实,按照5米高,1米宽的规格放开去,可堆成一条1000多千米长的垃圾墙。 看了以上数据,我想大家应该知道环保的重要性了吧,哎呀,不说了,那边又有人“投球”了,我要赶快去阻止,谁叫我与环保同前进了!



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