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2019上海春考英语卷作文题难吗 2019上海春考英语卷作文参考范文

2020-09-03 13:15:02








Dear Linan:

Hearing that you have invented an app for clothes sharing of students, I feel truly amazed at your novel idea. Personally speaking, I am really willing to share my clothes on your app. The reasons are as follows.

To begin with, it will be wonderful for me if I learned that someone that I barely know of can share my happiness of wearing my clothes. It feels like you are emotionally connecting someone in your clothes. Then I may naturally wish to know more about that particular“someone”and probably further deepen our relationship. In the end, a good friendship between me and my clothes mate might be built based on our common clothes.

Besides, if other students can try my clothes through the app. In turn, I also can try their clothes. As a result, students can wear different types of clothes without actually spending any money. Such a beautiful news for girls who always believe they are short of clothes, isn’t it?

In addition, sharing my clothes instead of letting them rot in my closet seems to be a good way take full use of them. In today’s materially affluent society, there are so many parents who have prepared lots of clothes for their beloved and adorable girls, possibly boys too, for different occasions. A dress for the party, gym suit for indoor sports, you name it. More often than not, these clothes rarely have their chance to shine themselves. So why not share them on the app. After all, the clothes can only fulfill their true value after they were put on a person’s body.

In conclusion, I will definitely share my clothes on your app for the reasons above.


Li Hua



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