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2020-09-09 08:18:01

Love StoryMy favourite book is the novel Love Story. The novel Love Story is written by American writer Erich Segal in the 1970s.The love story between Oliver and Jennifer has moved millions of people.Jennifer is the character I like most in the novel. She is a beautiful、brilliant、confident and considerate girl whose handwriting is small and with no capitals. She is a girl who hates those people who gain their social status or degrees by their money. Oliver is good at sports and brilliant and he has his own thoughts. I think it’s very handsome when he answered Jenny with “Because I’m playing.” He disliked his father very much. Mostly, I think, is because Oliver wanted his own way instead of everything planned so well for him. So he walked out of Barrett Ⅲ’s life and began his own. He entered Harvard Law School on his own, studied with scholarship and graduated with honor. One theme of the novel is the truth of love. I love Jennifer’s words “Love means not ever having to say you’re sorry” very much. Love is a permanent topic of our lives and even now we don’t have a definite meaning of love. I think this is a very sweet interpretation. Apart from love, another theme of the novel is about paternal love and the relationship between father and children. Jennifer whose mother dead when Jenny was very young grew up with father. They have very profound feelings. But in Oliver’s family, it is all different. I think Oliver and his father lacked communications and they didn’t understand each others feelings very much. 我的原稿比较长,看看怎么样吧~ 答案补充 我正在写呢,稍等 答案补充 爱情故事我最喜欢的书是爱情故事。这部小说由美国小说家西格尔写于20世纪70年代。这个小说讲述了奥利弗和詹妮弗的爱情故事,它打动了无数人的心。詹妮弗是书中我最喜欢的人物。她美丽、聪明、自信、体贴,她的字既小有没有大写字母。她痛恨那些通过金钱获得社会地位和学位的人。奥利弗擅长体育,很有才华,思想独特。我想当他回答詹妮弗说“因为我在打球”时一定很帅。他不喜欢他的父亲。我想主要原因是因为奥利弗希望有一条自己的人生路而不是父亲把什么都计划好。因此,他走出了父亲的世界,开始了自己的人生。他通过自己的努力考取了哈佛法律学院,获得了奖学金并且荣誉毕业。小说的主题之一是爱情的真谛。我很喜欢詹妮弗的一句话“爱情意味着永远不用说抱歉。”爱情是生命永远的话题,而我们从未就什么是爱情达成共识。我想这是对爱情最美的阐释吧。小说的另一个主题就是父爱。詹妮弗幼年丧母一直和父亲生活在一起,他们关系亲密。而奥利弗却相反,和父亲关系很糟糕。我想,奥利弗和他父亲缺少交流,不知道对方到底在想什么。 答案补充 米有诶~你要什么水平的呀 答案补充 额,我原稿七八百字,要不我传给你你自己改改看 答案补充 哦,可以的呵呵。学英语的嘛~ 传过来吧



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