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2020-09-09 12:48:02


英语作文六年级春节篇1 I like The Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.

During Spring Festival, the most improtant days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days.Many customs accompany the Spring Festival.

During Spring Festival time, you can see kinds of decorations.you can go to temple fairs and enjoy superb performances of the dances, stilt walking and amazing acrobatic shows.

so i like it .

英语作文六年级春节篇2 Accompanied by the sound of firecrackers, to the Chinese people s greatest festival the Spring Festival. Year thirty, every household are posted couplet, eat dumplings, welcome God of Wealth, everyone is happy hi.

The first day of the first month, the outside is very lively, there are a lot of people in the firecrackers, firecrackers in the air painted a beautiful arc, and then debut . But firecrackers should pay attention to safety Oh! When put off firecrackers for a long time no sound, do not see, so as not to be injured.

The first month of the first month, every family began to visit relatives and friends friends! Father and mother took me to the grandmother s house. Grandmother home in the countryside, now become more lively, and everyone in the courtyard lug red lanterns, the door close to the bright couplets, festive blessing, as well as one after another firecrackers sound. Rural life is getting better and better, the grandmother s dinner is very rich, chicken, duck, fish, everything, after eating, I watched in the grandmother s electric shock kid this cartoon, we are together, there is that Smiling, very happy. Unknowingly went to sleep time, and this day was really happy!

I sincerely hope that the people of the whole country will be happy New Year, great luck!

英语作文六年级春节篇3 Spring Festival is China s most important festival, but also the most solemn holiday in the year. Every household will celebrate. Some nationalities will also engage in some activities to celebrate the Spring Festival, such as dragon and lion dance, storytelling opera, run dry boat, step on stilts, yangko dance and so on.

One to the year off, adults and children are busy open, prepared for the year, sweeping the house, the ancestors are busy also happy! Stick couplets is an indispensable item. Or their own hands or people to do it, the harvest of the year and the hope of the next year are written into this small couplets. Classmates, talking about the couplets, there is a story! Spring Festival couplets, originated in the peach character, it first appeared in the Zhou Dynasty, is hanging in the door on both sides of the rectangular peach board. It is said that peach has a town ghost, exorcism function. Because the world s evil spirits are afraid of God tea , Yu Lei two gods, so the people used peach carved into their appearance, on their own door to exorcise evil spirits. Later, people simply engraved on the peach board two gods name, that this can also do evil evil evil. This peach is called peach . In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, began to write on the peach character. Once, the monarch of the Mongolian Meng Chang in the New Year s Eve night to make bachelor writing on the peach board, because they can not see the contents of the bachelor s writing, Meng Chang simply write their own annual Yuqing, carnival Changchun. Which produced the first Chinese couplets.











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