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2020-09-10 08:15:01

2017考研初试12月24日至26日进行,新东方网考研频道时刻关注2017考研初试情况,并第一时间为考生提供考研真题答案及答案解析内容,同时新东方考研教师将为考生提供视频直播解析。敬请关注新东方网考研频道为您带来的精彩内容。 Part B 52. Directions: Write an essay of 160 200 words based on the following pictures. In your essay, you should 1 Describe the pictures briefly. 2 Interpret the meaning, and 3 Give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. 20 points 解析: 2017年英语一考研英语大作文并未给大家太多意外,至少广州新东方的学员看到题目就会下笔如有神助, 此题目在强化班时曾经写过, 图片不同而已,究其本质并无二. 值得注意的是第一段,大家描述图画是要重点写出两幅图本质内容的对比, 也就是一个人虽有很多书但是没有好的阅读习惯, 只顾自满地欣赏书籍的数量, 而另外一个人则专注于阅读并且拥有阅读量的目标. 内容的对比可以体现出语言上的亮点, 可以使用转折式的过渡句开始第二幅图的描述. 第二段也就是主体段可以使用我们课上讲过的意义分析法和正反论证法,也就是写阅读给人们带来的好处加举例, 或者再加上没有阅读,一个人会有什么不好的后果. 结尾段, 再次说明阅读的重要性, 并且呼吁大家积极阅读. 相信大家从考场里走出来时一定是信心满满, 有备无患, 厚积薄发, 是最终胜利者的诀窍! 2017英语一大作文参考范文: Nothing is more symbolic than the above pictures describing the habits of reading. In the left picture, a man, lying comfortably in the chair and staring at a huge bookshelf packed with mountainous books, is complacent about his ownership of books rather than read anyone of them. What makes us amazing is that, in the right picture, a young man is passionate about reading and has a goal of finishing twenty books this year. Obviously, the cartoon is trying to convey the message that reading is of great significance in life. On the one hand, individuals who read extensively in their spare time enable themselves to experience a great amount of cultural wanders indirectly, following the footsteps of different authors. Were there no extensive reading in popularity, the younger generation even the whole human beings would be stuck in a desert of ignorance and loneliness. In short, it is necessary for us to highlight the role of extensive reading in an era of civilization. In conclusion,it is apparent that reading is of great importance in modern society. Learning to be a lifelong reader will constantly enrich daily experiences and confer us a more meaningful life. 考后关注》》 大学寒假进修指南》》 更多知识点请关注新东方网考研公众账号》》kaoyanxdf

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