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2020-09-25 06:45:01

Once upon a time, theres a lazy bairn, shes an ignorant little brat who was determined not to do the assignment of hers. She was probably playing and relaxing without any worriness, because she knew that she can always finish her assignment by plagiarising the work of others.And this time, she had to do a three hundred word essey, itd be quite a momentous task for an ordinary child, neverthless, simplely she went to the internet, on a well known website of questioning, she posted a post, "A three hundred word essey, ps translation and five vocabularies and their translations." Its ignored by most of the people since normal people wouldnt write an essey for her, it’d be ridiculous to do so, a normal person would be too occupied to do so ; well, unexpectedly, theres an idle volunteer, who was too bored too igonre the boring request. Thats the reason why he accepted the request, and hed known that plagiarism was not good, and he havent seen such a mannerless question like that. Therefore, he decided to unravel the fact. Thats why he wrote this story. Its quite a good story, indeed. bairn:小孩determined:决心assignment:任务nevertheless:然而volunteer:志愿者



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