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地球一小时 Earth Hour

2020-09-26 23:25:01

Earth Hour is an activity proposed by WWF to cope with global climate change, hoping that individuals, communities, businesses and governments turn off lights from 20:30 to 21:30 on the last Saturday of March each year, to show their support to action on climate change. This is a global activity that spreads all over the world quickly after it started in Sydney in 2007.Earth Hour aims to make people aware of the threat posed by climate change and make them aware of a small movement of personal and corporate will have profound impact to the environment.“地球一小时”是由世界自然基金会应对全球气候变化发起的一项活动,希望个人,社区,企业和政府每年3月的最后一个星期六从20:30至21:30关灯,以示支持应对气候变化的行动。这是一项全球性的活动,2007年始于悉尼后就迅速传遍世界。“地球一小时”旨在使人们意识到气候变化带来的威胁,以及使他们认识到个人和企业的细小行为将对环境产生深远的影响。n China, there are many cities taking part in this activity,especially the large cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Many citizens consciously turn off lights in the hour and they go out for a walk or some friends gather together to have fun. In college, students will hold some activities to attract students out of dormitory. Earth Hour has variety of activities, but the ultimate goal is the same, that is focusing on climate change and protecting the environment for individuals.在中国,有很多城市参加了这项活动,特别是大城市,比如北京,上海和广州。很多市民在这期间有意识的关灯,他们出去散步或者和朋友聚在一起玩。在大学里,学生们也举行了一些活动吸引学生离开宿舍。地球一小时有多种活动,但是最终的目的都是一样的,都是关注气候变化和保护环境。




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