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2020-09-28 06:00:01

Dear Sir or Madam,Im Li hua who havepurchased a recording pen from your website days ago . 改为have purchased,使用现在完成时更合理,因为对现在造成了影响. And now I find some problems aboutabout with the product . about改成with, with表伴随.Here are some description about it.(这句话语法没问题,但是不很地道,一般可以省略)First, the sound quality of the recording pen is not good so that I cant make myself heared clear before it . (so that后面这句我不是很理解你是要表达什么意思,可以向我追问) Second it is not convenient for me to use even too complex for me .(complex的意思是复杂,用在这里不是很合适,如果要表达使用不方便, it is not convenient for me to use就足够了:) Third , theres also some little problems that upset me a lot such as the sudden of powering off, heat from the surface of it and so on .(这句话比较长,不是很熟练的话建议拆成短句.such as后可改为:for example, it sometimes powers off suddenly, and the surface of it is often very hot.)I hope we can check with these for a good solution . Could I send it back it to your your youor could you repair it for free ? I believe your attitude can satisfy us consumer .(back是介词,不能直接用哒~)Best wishes

请麻烦批改这篇高中英语作文题目大概是:我李华从某国外网站上购买了一支录音笔recordingpen 而最近几天发现有质量问题 我要写信给对方反应.1.音质不好2.使用不方便3.解决方案



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