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随着2012伦敦奥运会的到来 我想去英国旅游且了解更多的英国历史文化.请以此写一篇英

2020-09-28 09:40:01

With the coming Olympic in London this summer, Id like to be a part of it and explore the glamorous country, Britain. As we all know, the Great Britain is made of four parts, which are England, Scotland, Wales and North Ireland. The most part im interested in is England, which is London located in. I most appreciate William Shakespeare, Jane Austin and all other famous writers whom were born here and created many classic novels. Also, Im excited about sports and magnificent nature scenery as well. Hope this be the chance for me to visit the dream place ever in my heart. 自己再加点.纯手打.望采纳.

随着2012伦敦奥运会的到来 我想去英国旅游且了解更多的英国历史文化.请以此写一篇英语作文120—150



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