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2020-09-29 00:05:01

15篇太多了,而100分则有少少诱惑,我且先交给一篇,其馀14篇英给我24小时去想题目和写作好吗?1 The London Olympics 2012The Olympic games this time has special meanings to me. For I have lived in the UK for the past 46 years. But in the bottom of my heart, I am still seeing myself as a Chinese. Therefore I have two countries to support. When China won the very first gold medal of the games. I was really happy. Later in the game, UK was doing particularly well, winning one thing after another, which have given me so much joy to watch. I have spent rather a lot of time in front of my TV set during the past fortnight two weeks. 若你认为满意的,请稍等,而且请回覆我,因为我不想白写。 我已写好了12篇,但还要全部写完和校正后才一起发给你。我的速度比预小期的要快,已完成任务了。另外,你说要50词左右,但50词很难写成一篇文章,就算写到亦不会是一篇好的文章,因为太短了,我已尽量以最简短的写法,但亦很要大约100个字,希望没有问题。2 London Olympics 2012 part twoIn the past I hardly watched any sports on the TV. But the Olympic games this year were held in the UK, where I have been living for so long. Ever since I watched the Olympic torch ran past in front of my door steps, I just couldn’t wait to see the beginning of the games. Both teams I supported were doing very well. China was running away in the medal table during the very beginning of the games, eventually they finished in the second place behind the USA, which I have to admit that kind of a bit disappointed, but the UK had done much better than expected and came third, so, I have really enjoyed the games very much. 3 My unpleasant summerMy health was very poor this summer. Before the Olympics Games I was really ill. I had no ideas what it was. It was like kind of flu, which made me feel so unwell. Then I started to cough a lot. Some night, I could hardly sleep at all. The coughing was so serious. I decided to go and see the doctor. The doctor told me that I have Bronchitis 支气管炎. He gave me antibiotic tablets for it. But it still took me quite a long time to recover even after taking those antibiotic tablets. Fortunately I was well enough to watch the Olympic Games. 4 My GardenAlthough I have a nice garden, I am not a keen gardener. My garden is not big but I have several fruit trees in it. I have an apple tree, a Victoria plum tree, a pear tree, a raspberry and a vine stock. I also have four pots of strawberries and a very tiny fish pond, in which I have over twenty gold fish. The garden is mainly lawn and a few shrubs on one side, a greenhouse on one of the corners, where I usually grow tomatoes with. The weather in the UK this year is very poor, so all the fruit trees have very few fruits on them except that Victoria Plum, which is hanging with hundreds if not thousands of beautiful fat and juicy plums almost ready to pick Mmm… 5 My summer holidayI am retired, so basically, I am always on holidays. But I like staying at home. The only time I went away was when my youngest daughter was having her vacation from work and came home to visit me. We went to visit Is of Wight, an island just off the southern coast of England. That was not a strange place for us, because we go there once every year. We just love the place. It is not just warm but it has a lot of things to do and eat. I like the crab meat sandwich there. We go to the same restaurant every time when we visit. I usually would have the same thing—Crab Meat Sandwich! We play a lot of puttings which I usually would win most of the games. 6 Fish keepingI don’t have many hobbies apart from keeping fish. I have three rather large fish tanks. One can hold 240 litres of water, another is 300 litres and the largest one is more than 600 litres. But I only keep tropical fish, because keeping marine fish is very expensive also have a lot more work to do. I don’t just keep fish. I like planting a lot of plants in my fish tanks as well. They all look like underwater gardens, beautifully green with all sorts of plants looking like jungles. It is so relaxing when sitting down and watch my favourite fish swimming inside those tanks peacefully. 7 Fish keeping part twoMy son and my daughter both keep fish as well, but their tanks are a lot smaller than mine. And my daughter’s is smallest. She can only keep a few very tiny tropical fish in it. But several months ago, she bought a window sucker cleaner and I didn’t know that it could grow to a very large size. When it had grown so big that her tank could no longer be able to accommodate it anymore, she had to bring it home and put it in one of my tanks. Now that fish is happily living my tank, like living in a paradise. Funnily, this fish is very shy it always hides somewhere and cannot be seen very often. 8 Fish keeping part threeAfter my daughter had brought home her oversized window sucker, my son also had an accident with his fish tank as well. It was all because of my very young grandson, he likes to hit things with any objects holding in his hand. He hit the fish tank so hard and made a large crack in my son’s fish tank. Fortunately the crack was on the top part of the tank, so, only half of the water had poured out onto the carpets, which took the many days to dry. But all the fish in it survived. Luckily, I have a 150 litres spare tank not used. So I gave it to my son. All his fish is in the new tank now. 9 My bad habitsI don’t smoke and I don’t drink, so basically, I should have no bad habits. But the only thing is that I am addicted to the computer. I am not just spending hour on Baidu.com but also spend hours playing games as well. I just couldn’t help myself. Since I have very weak will power, once if I sit down in front of the screen then I will not stop until hours and hours later. If I was cooking something I would often burn it. Therefore my daughter warns me all the time: “Don’t look and play computer at the same time, or I shall burn my house down!!” 10 Unusual British weatherThe weather in Britain this year is very weird. Not that I haven’t seen it before but it was just little more unusual than recent years. It was already like summer early in March. Everybody was talking about a very nice early and long summer this year. It didn’t last, only just for a little over a week. And then it was back to winter like weather once again. Followed by Monsoon like rainy days. It was cold and wet for days and weeks. Suddenly it changed back to extremely warm again for a few days. After that it changed again and again. And now is September but still hot as hell! What is the matter with the British weather this year? 11 Late disappointment for our Olympic teamAfter winning the very first gold medal of the Olympic Games and leading all the way on the medal table then something went wrong with our country’s Olympic teams. They failed in almost every event in the late stages, finally had to settle for the second place after being overtaken by the Americans. Although the other team which I was supported GBR was doing extremely well, I just can’t hide my disappointments for the team of my motherland. It hurts to see our famous faces got beaten by the less known opponents from the other countries. 12 Fantastic achievement for Team GBWhile the Olympics teams from our motherland were failing to match their performance from last time, the other team Team GB, which I was supporting, had gone from strength to strength. They just kept on surprising everyone in the UK, winning one gold medal after another, attracting more and more TV audience simply they just owed all the success to their supporters. It was like the last time in Beijing, our country teams were at home, when with over 90% of the spectators in the audience shouting your names. It would be hard not to win every time. That was exactly the secret for the Team GB’ success this time, because they were at home. 13 Watching TVSince I am retired now, which has me given loads of spare time, apart from playing with the computers and I still have plenty of time left to kill. Therefore I watch a lot of TV. But I am very selective on TV watching. I seldom watch soap operas or police thrillers but I love comedies. “Friends” used to be my favorite but now is the “Big Bang Theory”. It seems a bit silly but kind of really witty and very funny. Also I love watching films. Again, comedy ones, particularly romcom romantic comedy, yes, romcom! You are never too old for something romantic! The only thing is, I can only enjoy TV when the programs have subtitle because I am quite deaf. Without the subtitle I can’t hear a thing! 14 The importance of fostering socializing skillSocializing skill is the ability of communicating with other people within a group or a community. People are community animals. Its hard to imagine that what would someones life would be like when he stays away from the society and stays away from communicating with other people? If there are people then there must be community and communication. When we all first stepped into the society, we would have to communicate with all kinds of people. Therefore having good communicating skill is a foremost important thing in one’s life. 15 Chinese New Year It’s the Chinese New Year again. Before that, Min’s mother took him to the shops and bought him some new clothes. They then went to their grandfather and grandmothers house to have their family’s New Years meal together. Later they all went to see the flowers market. It was so beautiful and exciting. He enjoyed that very much but the best thing to follow was: His father and mother gave him the red packets with New Years money inside of them. Min likes the Chinese New year and I think all Chinese Children like Chinese New year too.全部一共15篇,请查收,很高兴能够帮到你,希望会满意,并请及时采纳,谢谢。



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