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小学英语作文:不同的口味 Different Flavor

2020-09-29 01:10:01

小学英语作文:不同的口味 Different Flavor2019 01 25 16:33:00 无忧考网导语阅读英语美文会给大家带来与众不同的感受,多读英语也有利于提升我们的英语能力,下面是无忧考网整理发布的“小学英语作文”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注无忧考网!

篇一不同的口味 Different Flavor

As I live in the south of China, I like to eat food with sweet flavor. Someday, there comes the new people who live next to my house. They come to say hello and bring us the food from their hometown. I find that the flavor is so different. They like to eat salty food. I realize the diversity of food and I like it. 我生活在中国的南部,我喜欢吃口味偏甜的食物。有一天,新邻居来我们家打招呼,给我们带了他们家乡的食物。我发现味道是很不一样的,他们喜欢吃咸的食物。我意识到食物味道的多样性,我喜欢这样的多样性。

篇二是谁决定了未来 Who Decides the Future

As a child, I get used to do what my mother tells me. I will get lost if my mother doesn’t give me the task. As I grow up, I realize that the future is at my hand, and I am the one who decides my future. So I must be independent and find my own way. I need to grow up step by step. 在我还是个孩子的时候,我习惯于听妈妈的“派遣”。如果我妈妈不给我任务的话我就会不知所措。当我长大了,我意识到未来就掌握在我的手中,我的未来由我做主。所以我必须独立,有自己的想法。我需要一步一步的成长。

篇三坚强的人 The Strong Person

We are told some inspiring stories in the class, but when I really see the person around me, I feel the great power. I see a man without left leg. He keeps selling small products in the street. Many people like him and buy his goods. I admire him. Even though he is disable, he still fights for the future. 我们在课堂上都学习过一些鼓舞人心的故事,但是那样的一个人真的出现在我周围时,我感受到了强大的力量。我看到一个没有了左腿的男人,他在街上销售小东西,很多人都喜欢他,也帮他买他的东西。我很钦佩他,尽管他是残疾人,但是他还在为未来而努力奋斗。



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