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一篇关于课程的英语作文四十词左右上中学了 课程多了 你最喜欢哪门课程?对其他课程

2020-09-29 06:25:01

My favourit subject is Art. Because I like drawing picture. My Art teacher is very humorous ,he also make his class get interesting and active.At his class we can get many funny.Sometimes he tell us something about his and his family.It never like Maths and Chinese. Maths is very difficult and at the maths class we often very nevers because our Maths teacher is very strict.But at the chinese lesson we always very boring.So my favourite subject is Art.

一篇关于课程的英语作文四十词左右上中学了 课程多了 你最喜欢哪门课程?对其他课程又有何看法?请简要叙述之.作业帮



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