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2020-09-29 12:25:04


My father is like all his love is poured on my body, from small to large as long as I like the father will try to meet me, for my meticulous care, and strive for me to build a warm nest, so I always Feel the taste of happiness, to appreciate the father of the mountain is so ordinary and great. A small pen is difficult to record all the fatherly love, but can only depict a little memory. Remember that eight years old, because I slippery right arm serious fracture, after the plaster on the doctor asked the arm can only stand, can not move, or bone dislocation will be the second operation is quite painful, in order not to let me suffer twice, father Had to stay all night in front of my bed, leaning on my arm, so day after day, his father s face lost, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, seven or eight days later, to the hospital review the doctor said very good Did not move, the arm can be flat down his father hanging heart and finally put down half of the. Can be a few days after the emergence of a new situation, gypsum wrapped around the place itching unbearable, his father had to use a bamboo from time to time to give me a scratch, so many months survived, my arm is good, his father s The body lost a circle, eyes like giant pandas, often think of these, my eyes are always wet. So that I deeply feel the great love of the father, I only put it engraved in the heart, so I will always be a grateful heart.

Parents love is selfless, with heaven and earth in the same, with the sun and the moon with the bride; parents love lofty, than the high mountains and sea Qi, the world children have a grateful heart, so that the world parents to health forever.





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