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My neighbourhood 是什么意思?围绕这个意思写一篇作文

2020-10-12 15:25:01

俗话说得好:远亲不如近邻。我的邻居就是这样一个关心别人,热情大方的好邻居,不信,你听我说! As an old saying goes, better good neighbours near than relations far away. My neighbor is such a concern for others, enthusiasm generous good neighbors, not letter, you listen to me! 我的邻居是个年轻的阿姨,她长着一对月牙儿似的弯眉毛,下面还挂着双乌黑的大眼睛,一个小巧玲珑的鼻子,再加上樱桃似的嘴巴。真好看! My neighbor is a young aunt, she has a pair of curved eyebrows, like crescent moon still hung under the double black of big eyes, a small nose, and mouth like a cherry. Looking good! 阿姨不仅长的漂亮,人也挺好。一次,我放学回家,看见门还紧紧地锁着,就知道爸爸妈妈还没回家。这可怎么办,我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁团团转。哎,只好独自一个人孤零零地站在门外等。天渐渐黑下来,万物都披上黑睡衣,它们都悄悄合上了叶片,静静地睡了,路上的灯一盏接着一盏地亮了起来。可是爸爸妈妈还没回来。我有点害怕了,忽然邻居家的阿姨从窗口探出头来,关心地说:“方方,爸爸妈妈还没回来呢,到我家来坐会啊!”我胆小地摇摇头。阿姨见我不敢进去,无奈地摇摇头,关上窗。半晌,阿姨又来叫我。阿姨说:“方方,你进来吧!”“嗯……”我不好拒绝,只好点点头答应了。我迈进了一个陌生的家。阿姨热情地叫我坐下,又拿来饮料,又给我点心的。我还是有点拘束,一声不响地坐在沙发上。阿姨打开电视,随手把遥控机给我,叫我自己看。渐渐的,我放松了心情,开心地在阿姨家看电视。爸爸妈妈找来了,我依依不舍地离开了阿姨家。阿姨还是很大方,说:“以后再来哦!”我使劲地点点头。 Aunt long beautiful, people not only is breathtaking. Once, when I returned home from school, saw the door is locked tightly, will know that mom and dad hasnt come home. It can do, I was like a cat on hot bricks. Ah, have to a person alone alone stood at the door outside, etc. It was getting dark, all things with black pajamas, they are quietly closed the blade, sleep silently, light a lamp and a lamp on the road to lit up. But mom and dad hasnt come back. Im a little scared, suddenly the neighbors aunt leaned out from the window and concern to say: "fang fang, mom and dad hasnt come back, come to my house will sit!" I am timid shake her head. Aunt: I cant go in and shake her head, close the window. A long time, aunt to call me again. Aunt said: "all, you come in!" "Well..." Im not refuse, but nodded and agreed. I took a strange house. Aunt told me to sit down, enthusiastically and drinks, and snacks for me. I am still a little nervous, wordlessly sat on the sofa. The aunt turn on the TV, conveniently give me the remote control machine, and call my own. Gradually, I relaxed mood, happily in aunts house to watch TV. To have a mom and dad, I reluctantly left the aunts house. Aunt is a great party, said: "later come again!" I tried nod. 我的邻居就是这样一个关心别人,热情大方的人。 My neighbor is such a care about people, warm and generous person.



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