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英语作文:How to protect whale如何保护鲸鱼七十字左右 带翻译网络上的大多雷

2020-10-14 23:55:01

英语作文Dont let whales cry againWhen we wear clothes made by animals skins,can our hearts be quiet like nothing happened especially for those people who owned a puppy.If their heart can be quiet,I think that they are not real animal friendly people.Today,I want to choose an endangered animal to explain why we should protect it.That is a whale.Maybe when we think of it,it maybe is a dreadful,ugly animal.I think they are always symbols that appeared in the movies.It occurred to me that I wanted to say stop when I watched a documentary that some Japanese killed whales. They were killing whales that were not attacking. Whales,big animals,as mammals and higher animals in the ecosystem,plays essential roles.If they disappear,the whole ecosystem will be hurt and make an unknown result that most aspects are bad.I want to say that if we want to let the whole world keep a safe environment, letting every part of nature not disappear or keep a balance.Maybe we cant be vegetarians,but we can get along well with animals.We can condemn those people who like abusing animal for fun.Now with the more exposures of killing endangered animals by media,governments of the whole world are taking actions to avoid these things happening again.I believe that if people can treat the nature kindly,can we live in the world happily.



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