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2020-10-17 05:30:01

Hadnt remembered the spring mang years ago,I handnt cut the long hair at that time.Hnd no credit dard and her ,and the home han no hot water all the day.But I fell so happy originally,only a broken guitar.At street ,over bridge,in field,sang the song nobody know.If in one day ,I will be old alone,please stay me,in that spring.If in one day ,I pass away quietly,please bury me, in that spring.Had remembered lonesome spring,I hadnt remained the beard at the time.Had no Valentines Day and gifts,and my cute dear.But I felt not bad at all,only the fancy to the love.In morning,evening,wind,sang the song nobody know.副歌同上。Stare the bright spring right now ,which as the warm condition.I cut the long hair and stay the beard,the pain have disapeared at one time.But I felt so badly,the years made me to be at a loss.In the sunshining spring,my fears couldnt help flow.同上。以上采用直译,大家帮我改正下。意译会困难很多。



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