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2020-10-20 15:35:02

> > > > 初一英语作文5句话关于我的朋友初一英语作文5句话关于我的朋友发布时间:2019 12 27



Do you want to know who is my good friend? Please listen to:

On a cold morning, I accidentally fell down. Angelababy saw, hurriedly ran up and said to me, lift me up: Lu Yuxiang, you fell and hurt? I pass my hands according to their legs, said: my broken leg. Angelababy said: that I help you go to the school infirmary! I said: ok, thank you! Angelababy held, I went to the school infirmary, the doctor took swabs and dip in a little bit of alcohol, gently apply on my leg. Angelababy asked with concern: still hurt? I said: it s all right, thank you! Angelababy said: you re welcome, should help each other between classmates, walk be careful next time. Say that finish angelababy and lifted me back into the classroom, let me sit on the seat don t move.

You know who is my good friend now!


I have a good friend, his name is TengTeng. He was short, with a pair of small eyes of wisdom, the mouth is small. Although not very pretty, but he loves reading, hard working, ready to help others, is my best friend.

He is a Chinese leader, love reading, we all go out to play, class, he carefully reading in the classroom. The classmates all say, after he grows up he will be able to enter the best university.

Every time, he came to the classroom early on duty. His favorite is on duty project is sweeping the floor, but sometimes he also does other projects. No matter what, he has done very carefully, after the completion of the classroom is clean, no dirty place.

In learning, whether I met what problem, he will help me answer seriously. Problems every time, he told me very detailed, let me hear clearly, like father, mother, teacher speak of. Other students have a problem and are willing to find him for help.

Have such a friend, let me feel happy and proud. As a friend, don t can let a person admire?


Have an English class, the teacher let us write the words in your exercise book. I searched all the book bag, also didn t find the exercise books, at the moment, Sun Hui extending the hand of friendship, said: what are you looking for? I exercise books I can t find it. I said. Sun Hui quickly gave me a new English exercise books.

Another time, we are playing on the playground to touch people, I accidentally hurt his legs in a large, Sun Hui to take me to the infirmary.

A gym class, I accidentally pushed her, her arm hurt, I wanted to, she would scold me, I said she won t listen. But Sun Hui said: I m okay, just hurts a little, you don t have to worry about.

I have a understanding others, ready to help others, only care about others, regardless of their friends, I m so happy.

初一英语作文5句话关于我的朋友 相关内容:



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