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我最喜欢的动漫人物 英语作文要关于海绵宝宝 的或者是柯南 不要太复杂 60个单词就行

2020-10-20 16:40:01

Deep down in the Pacific Ocean in the city of Bikini Bottom lives a square yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants, because he always wears square pants. SpongeBob lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, loves his job as a cook at the Krusty Krab, and has a knack2 for getting into trouble without really trying. When he s not getting on the nerves of his cranky3 next door neighbor, Squidward, SpongeBob can usually be found smack4 in the middle of all sorts of strange situations with his best buddy, the simple yet lovable starfish5, Patrick, or his thrill seeking6 surfer girl squirrel pal, Sandy. In Bikini Bottom, fish walking, blowing bubbles is art, and the tastiest undersea treat is a deep fried Krabby Patty Burger. Everything is so fantastic!在太平洋深处一个叫做比基尼堡的城市里,住着一块方形的黄色海绵,名叫海绵鲍勃方短裤,因为他总是穿着方形短裤。海绵宝宝和他的宠物蜗牛加里一起住在菠萝屋里。他非常热爱在蟹堡王餐厅当厨师的工作,并且有着不费吹灰之力就惹一身麻烦的本事。海绵宝宝不是在招惹他的暴躁邻居章鱼哥,就是和他最好的朋友——一只单纯而又可爱的小海星派大星,或者寻求刺激的潜水小松鼠珊迪一起,深陷五花八门的奇异境况中。在比基尼堡,你会发现鱼类一边走路一边吹泡泡是一种艺术,而在海底最诱人的美食就是煎得熟透的蟹皇堡。所有的一切都是如此美妙!角色如此独特SpongeBob is a sea sponge who lives in a fully furnished, two bedroom pineapple, and works as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab, a hamburger fast food restaurant, and his dream in life is to be the ocean s ultimate fry cook. SpongeBob is optimistic and earnest7, but despite his best intentions, he can t seem to avoid creating problems for himself — and usually everyone else around him, too. While trying too hard, he tends to do things wrong, which usually spells disaster. But SpongeBob is always looking on the bright side of life, and his enthusiasm about everything makes him downright irresistible.海绵宝宝是一块海绵,生活在家具齐全、拥有两间卧室的菠萝屋里。他在一家汉堡包快餐店——蟹堡王那里做煎炸汉堡包的工作,而他的人生梦想就是成为海洋里最好的煎炸师。海绵宝宝乐观又认真,但是,尽管他的出发点都很好,却好像仍免不了给自己制造麻烦,而且还常会殃及身边的每一个人。虽然海绵宝宝十分努力,却总是把事情搞砸,招致灾难。好在他总是能看到生活的光明面,他对所有事物的热情使他的魅力让人无法抗拒。SpongeBob — A trouble maker海绵宝宝——麻烦制造者Gary — SpongeBob s loyal pet加里——海绵宝宝忠诚的小宠物Gary is a snail, who leaves a trail of slime8 everywhere he goes. He may not be so good at catching Frisbees9 or fetching slippers, but Gary is the best pet an invertebrate10 sea sponge with square pants could possibly ask for, and that s all that matters.加里是一只到哪里都会留下黏液痕迹的小蜗牛。也许他并不擅长接住飞盘或是帮主人取拖鞋,但加里绝对是穿着方形裤子的无脊椎海绵能找到的最好宠物,而这才是最重要的。Patrick — SpongeBob s loyal buddy派大星——海绵宝宝忠诚的朋友Patrick s big ambition in life can be summed up in four words: Uh...I...Uh...forget. As SpongeBob s best friend, Patrick is always offering his advice and encouragement. Unfortunately, Pat s not exactly the brightest starfish in the sea, and he usually ends up helping SpongeBob into a heap11 of trouble. Even their simplest plans end up in disaster. But for better or worse, Patrick will always be SpongeBob s loyal buddy.派大星生活的雄心壮志可以总结成四个词:呃……我……呃……忘了。作为海绵宝宝最好的朋友,派大星总是给他提供建议和鼓励。但遗憾的是,派大星严格意义上并不算是海里最聪明的海星,而且他总是越帮越忙,最后让海绵宝宝陷入一大堆的麻烦中。有时候,即使是最简单的计划,他们也会以灾难收场。但不论结果是好是坏,派大星永远是海绵宝宝的忠实朋友Sandy — the apple of SpongeBob s eye珊迪——海绵宝宝的掌上明珠Sandy is a sea dome12 dwelling squirrel who lives for action

2011 11 28 22:01



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