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2020-10-21 00:55:01

The world today is a very competitive place. Therefore, it is necessary to develop some skills to increase one’s chances of success. Many skills, for example, leadership, a second language, and technical skills such as computer programming, are very useful today. However, I believe that the most useful skill is the ability to communicatewell with others. It is impossible to overstate the importance of good communication skills. In today’s society we have to work cooperatively with others. A good communicator finds it easier to put forth his ideas clearly. In this way there will be fewer misunderstandings, which can lead to bad feelings as well as lost time and effort. In addition, a person with good communication skills is a good mediator and negotiator. He or she can play a valuable role in resolving disputes and enhancing cooperation. This means that a good communicator is often a natural leader. Finally, with good communication skills, it is easier to persuade others to accept your point of view. Having your views and plans approved of by others is a vital step on the way to success. For all the above reasons, it is my belief that strong communication skills are the most important to have. Good communication is important in all situations, so a skillful communicator will always be in high demand. From joozone.com. 参考作文地带整理翻译:考研英语作文范文:善于沟通是一项重要技能 现今的世界竞争十分激烈,因此,必须培养一些技能以增加自己成功的机会。许多技能,如领导能力、第二语言能力,以及技术能力,如电脑程式设计等,现在都非常有用。然而,我认为最有用的技能是擅长和别人沟通的能力。 良好的沟通技巧,其重要性再怎么强调也不为过。在现今的社会中,我们必须与他人合作。擅长沟通的人比较容易能将自己的意见清楚地表达出来。如此一来,便能减少误会,以免造成不良的感觉,甚至浪费时间和力气。此外,具有良好沟通技巧的人会是一个优秀的调停者与协商者,在解决纷争、加强合作时可以扮演重要的角色。这就表示,善于沟通的人常常就是天生的领导者。最后,具有良好的沟通技巧使你比较容易说服别人来接受你的观点,而你的意见和计划能被别人认同是迈向成功很重要的一步。 基于上述理由,我相信,卓越的沟通技巧是最重要的必备技能。良好的沟通在所有的情况中都非常重要。所以,善于沟通的人总是非常受欢迎的。



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