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2020-10-21 01:40:01

摘要:”讨论观点“类题型也是雅思写作大作文常见题型,这类题型主观性比较强,所以写作时头脑必须非常清晰,本文以2015年5月16日的题目为例做详细讲解教育题材写作。 “讨论观点”类文章是写作大作文中对逻辑性非常高的题型,写这类文章思路要非常清晰,否则就会造成不知所云的结果。本文以2015年3月14日的真题为例讲解“教育”题材写作,希望对大家有帮助。 Task: 同题型文章回顾:2015年5月16日真题 示范写作大纲: 引导段:说明现象过去小孩子大多由祖父母带大,现在幼教中心更受家长欢迎,表明自己的观点,觉得幼教中心更好。 主体段一:说明幼教中心的两大优势:给孩子更专业的教育和让孩子有机会接触到同龄人。 主体段二:有人持相反的意见,由于人员不够等因素,小孩子在幼教中心不能得到很好的照顾,而祖父母会有足够多的时间照顾孩子。 总结段:说明理由支持自己的观点。 示范写作: 语料: vocabulary: toddler in favor of opponent effective contrast particular conniving consciousness Advantage of Home schooling Some parents decide to educate their children at home Some families live in isolated areas with poor transport Other parents are not isfied with local schools Parents can respond to what their children need and how they learn best One to one lessons allow much faster pross The child can work at his or her own pace Discipline problems are avoided by home schooling Disadvantages of home schooling Most parents do not have the time to educate their children at home One parent would need to give up work School subjects are normally taught by up to ten different teachers Most parents do not have the necessary knowledge or resources Private tutors are expensive Children will miss out on the social experience that school offers At school, children learn how to get on with each other Home schooled children may lack social skills Schools offer a better overall educational experience 以上就是对"讨论观点"类雅思写作“教育”题材详细解读与示范,相信大家看了会有收获 !



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