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2020-10-21 19:55:01


the legend is spreaded at jiangsu province,it says that the emperor zhou of shang dynasty is joy and anger with no symbol.when he eats a meal,he will says that neither the fish is not fresh or the chicken soup is too boiling hot.sometimes,he says that the meal is too frosty to eat.as a result,many chefs are killed by him..daji,the princess who he like most,also knows that zhou is difficult to serve,so everytime when there is a feast,she will taste the meal before zhou eats it,for fear that zhou gets angry if he feals the meal is neither salty or insipid.once there was a time,daji tastes the meal feels some food are too boiling hot,but it is too late to replace them,because emperor zhou has came to the table,to make zhou likes her more,she constructs an opinions in a hurry,she takes off her long jad hairpin on her head,and clamps the food,blows many time to cool it,emperor zhou is a satyr,he thinks it is joyable to let daji clamp food for him,so he let daji do it everyday.daji orders artisian make two long jad chopsticks for her to clamp food,later on,the way daji clamps food spread among the folks,then,chopsticks arises

中国人使用筷子,大约在三千多年以前。其实,在使用筷子之前,我们的祖先同样也经历了一个用手抓饭吃的过程。但热粥汤羹又如何抓取得了呢?于是不得不随地折取一些草茎木棍来帮助。有人推测,远古人烤东西吃时,随手折两根树枝或竹枝,用来夹着吃,这样既不烫手,又能趁热吃到美味,于是就演变成了筷子。chinese began use chopsticks at three thousand years ago,in fact,before chinese use chopsticks,our ancestors also experienced a time they eat with their hands,but how can they grab hot soup?so they have to take some sticks for help,someone guess,when our ancestors eat barbecue,they would take sticks passingly to clamp it.in this way,the food will not hot their hands,and they can eat them before it gelid,as a result,todays chopstick is come into being.

筷子,可谓是中国的国粹。它既轻巧又灵活,在世界各国的餐具中独树一帜,被西方人誉为“东方的文明”。我国使用筷子的历史可追溯到商代。《史记·微子世家》中有“纣始有象箸”的记载,纣为商代末期君主,以此推算,我国至少有三千多年的用筷历史了。先秦时期称筷子为“挟”,秦汉时期叫“箸”。古人十分讲究忌讳,因“箸”与“住”字谐音,“住”有停止之意,乃不吉利之语,所以就反其意而称之为“筷”。这就是筷子名称的由来。chopstick which can be looked as the quintessence of chinese culture,which is both portable and nimble,develops a school of its own in all over the world countrys tableware,was identified as

筷子就是用来夹食物着吃的。筷子的结构极为简单。从形状来说,是两根小细棍,中国的筷子是上粗下细,上方下贺,这种造型的优点是拿起来方便,不容易滑,也不容易转动放在桌子上不会滚,夹菜入口的一端光滑圆润不会伤着唇吞。。chopsticks are used to clamp food,the form of chopstick is extremely simple,the profile of chopsticks is that it is made by two slender sticks,the head of chinese chopsticks is bold and square and the sterm of it is slender and round,the advantage of this modeling is that it is easy to take up and it is difficult to drop out,as well as turn around,and the side clamps food is smoothly so it can avoid the circumstances that it hurt the tongue,



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