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2020-10-26 07:35:01



Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to hutiaoxia

by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me, chenlu, don t do anything halfway. at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I ve kept the umbrella。i was very happy。



In the moonlight, the stars keep looking. What s the story of a little house? Let s explore together!

啊!原来是一个温暖的三口之家,正在玩石头、剪子、布这个游戏,可是玩的过程中也有困难呀!原来我的爸爸妈妈老是说对方: 你耍赖,你耍赖! 而且我爸爸还使用了 挠痒痒术 把我和妈妈快折腾坏了。

Ah! It is a warm family of three, playing rock, scissors, cloth of the game, but the play in the process there are also difficulties! My mom and dad always said to each other: you lie, you lie! And my father also used tickling , which made my mother and I toss and turn.

刮鼻子的时候爸爸不知又使用了什么法术,手一下子就变得粗糙了。再说了我爸老是赢,我和妈妈被那双 大粗手 先是鼻子被红了,然后是一层皮就要掉了。最后妈妈生气地说: 哼,不玩了,你那么粗的手刮我那么嫩的脸,不是给我毁容是什么呀! 我爸真是个大变脸,这不又变得可温柔了说: 对不起啦,一会玩的时候我不给你毁容就是喽! 妈妈说: 这还差不多。

When he blew his nose, my father didn t know what spell he was using again, and his hands became rough at once. Besides, my father always wins, and my mother and I were big hands , first of all, the nose was red, and then a layer of skin is about to fall. Finally, mother angrily said: hum, do not play, you are so thick hand scraped my face so tender, not to me disfigured, what is it? ! My father is really a big face, and this does not become soft, said: I m sorry, but when I play, I do not give you disfigurement is! ! Mom said, it s pretty much the same. .


Look! What an interesting family!


Look,this is my family photo .This is my father .His work in hard .Because he is a driver . This is my mother .My mother doesn t have a job . Because I have a sister and a brother . My mother must take care of us .My sister s name is Wang Meng yao .My brother s name is Wang Lu yao .They are cute .This is my uncle .My uncle also is a driver.My aunt is a shop assistant .but she desn t like her job she wants to be a poliewoman. My uncle desn t like to be a policeman Because he thinks it s a little dangerous Those are my cousins .They are leaming at kangyuan Middle school .they like going to the mories with me .their favorite actor is paul Jackson .He har a new movie, My Fatber s Birtbday .It s a very funny comedy .these are my grandparent

This is my family. Do you like then ?I do.







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  1. 2020-12-21 16:30咬一口[安徽省网友]IP:1742998741


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