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2020-10-28 13:15:02

My name is Litter Ri and Im twelve year old now。I think Im a smart girl with melting smile。I am also lively.Tell you the truth,many adult praise me have a lovely face。 I have a lot of interests,such as singing and dancing。But Im very good at swimming and rope skipping。Every summer Ill go swim with my parents and friends。So ,as you know,I like summer best,but I also like spring ,because it brings me flowers。Ice cream is my favorite food,because I like to eat sweet and I think it will makes people happy。 Even though I value everyday that I have,my most valuable is the day Im with my parents to celebrate my ten year old birthday。That was a lovely day and I am very happy because through the day I know I love my parents very much and they love me very much ,too。 I am 12 year old now,it is so young for most people,but I have a big dream now。



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