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2020-10-31 15:45:01

时间:2007 11 19来源:栏目:作者: 收藏: 我最喜欢的明星The Stars I Prefer 姚明-我喜欢的明星Yaoming My Favorite Sports Star 现在青少年都喜欢崇拜一些电影明星或歌星,他们为之到了疯狂的地步。但我跟他们不一样,我以为做这样的事是浪费时间和精力。我喜欢的星是宇宙里真正的星,我想探索群星的奥秘

我最喜欢的明星The Stars I Prefer 姚明-我喜欢的明星Yaoming My Favorite Sports Star 现在青少年都喜欢崇拜一些电影明星或歌星,他们为之到了疯狂的地步。但我跟他们不一样,我以为做这样的事是浪费时间和精力。我喜欢的星是宇宙里真正的星,我想探索群星的奥秘。我的理想是当一个天文学家。

Nowadays teenagers tend to take some movie stars or singers as their idols. They are crazy about those stars. But I am not one of them. I think such kind of thing is a waste of time and energy. The stars I prefer are the real stars in the universe. I want to explore the mysteries of the stars. My ideal is to be an astronomer.


The Stars I Prefer Nowadays girls like some movie stars or singers. They are crazy about those stars. I am a girl, too. But I am not one of them. The stars I prefer is the true musicians, such as Bach and Beethoven. Appreciating their music can purify my soul. And whats more, their music will last forever. They can never be out of date. Therefore, I love them and their music also.



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