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2020-11-01 23:35:01

TO Success:Opportunity or hard working?Every body wants to succeed.But when it comes to the question that which factor leads to success,opportunity or hard work,different people will offer different answers.Some people think that opportunity is the first factor leading to success.They hold the idea,as a proverb saying,“Man proposes,god disposes”.Because almost all successful people have good luck and have caught their valuable opportunities,they believe that opportunity is a leading condition of the success.If seizes and makes the best use of opportunity available,one can succeed surely.In summary,to them,chances and lucks play the most important role on the road to success.However,others maintain that “no pains,no gains” .Without exerting oneself,one could never expect to achieve success in no matter what one is doing.As is known to all,there is no royal road to the summit of success.One is likely to succeed only when one has worked with whole hearted devotion and perseverance.Those who are lazy,sloppy and indifferent to their work,those who never concentrate on work will definitely end in failure.On the whole,as far as they are concerned,hard working is the decisive factor to success.In my view,both hard work and opportunity eventually matters.They are inseparable from each other,and put together,they make a great success.Hard work is to luck what fish is to water,and can be seen as an interior precondition of success.It lays the corner stone for building a house while luck serves to cement it,to make the building bricks adherent to one another.They are the twins that contribute to success together.They are the factors from within and without respectively.We must work hard,make efforts and get prepared.When opportunities come,meet and make full use of them.Only in this way can we succeed one day.




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