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2020-11-05 17:25:01


写肖战外貌和性格的英语作文 ****** he has long ,curly hair.She is very kind to us .And she is of medium height.She has lovely smile on her face

肖战作文800字 ****** 要说2019年暑期档最热的网剧那就非《陈情令》莫属了,魏无羡的饰演者肖战更是深受大家好评,一万个道友心中有一万个魏无羡,所以对肖战饰演的魏婴褒贬不一,但是其演技是非常强大的,加上剧中角色的人设,又有不少小姐姐成功入了肖...

我最喜欢的明星是肖战,用英语怎么写一篇三分钟演讲稿? ****** 我最喜欢的爱豆是肖战我非常喜欢他等的演技颜值很高温文尔雅很多本人的人格魅力值得我去学习

英语作文—我喜欢乒乓20字之内 ****** .I have learned pingpong for five years.When I first played ping pong,I felt in love with it.Because I think it can help us to raise our attention.What s more,it can help us make good friends. Yesterday,I learned our team won the first prize of the ...

我喜欢的明星蔡徐坤英语作文,求助求助谢谢各位 ****** My favorite singer is Cai xukun. He is a good singer .He sings very well.He told us ”The more effort,the more lucky” I agree with him .He is a postive person.He likes music very much.Although some people donot like him,he is still himself.when I ...

我最喜欢的运动 英语作文 ****** My favorite sports My fayorite sports are play basketball,play football and running.I love to do sports very much, so P.E. is my favorite subject.I think do sports are excting and interesting.I think me play basketball very well.In our class,me play ...

我喜欢的运动 英语作文 ****** 生命在于运动,所以每个人都会有一个喜欢的运动,而我也不例外.我喜欢的运动是篮球. 篮球是一种普及性很高的运动,在街头、学校随处可见.如今街头三对三篮球赛已经成了篮球中最普及的方法.而且篮球还刺激,有趣、培养团队精神,...

英语作文 我喜欢的运动员 并翻译 ****** my favorite player The basketball player I like best is Yi Jianlian. Yi played power forward for the Guangdong Southern Tigers of the Chinese Basketball Association CBA in 2002 and subsequently won the Rookie of the Year Award. In his five year ...

我最喜欢的明星英语作文玛丽莲梦露 ****** Actress Marilyn Monroe remains one of the best recognized movie stars in the world, 50 years after her death. Suzie Kennedy pays tribute to the actress by being a Marilyn Monroe impersonator for 14 years, acting in films and plays personifying the...

我喜欢的明星tfboys.英语作文带翻议 ****** my favourite is TFBOYS,they are a team.The group members are three Chinese boys.They are very young but handsome.The lead of them is Karry,he is only 15 years old.The other two boys both are 14 years old.They work very hard on dancing and ...



高中生优秀作文 将来的我作文 机遇作文 愁作文 优秀作文600字初中 艺术的作用英语作文 四年级洗碗的作文 上海自然博物馆作文 关于接力赛的作文 我眼中的新校园作文 户外写生作文 西瓜的生长过程作文 熟悉的一个人作文 初一母爱作文 秋天小作文二年级 我的家乡平顶山作文 六年级作文自我介绍 关于友情的作文初中 快乐周末作文 遇见另一个自己作文600字 妈妈常说的一句话作文 雨中放学作文 二年级写动物作文 作文那一刻我哭了 作文文体有哪些 我的发明作文 河南家乡作文 写小白兔的作文500字 关于小学生军训的作文 以学习为话题作文