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关于运动的调查报告The survey of sports

2020-11-07 20:10:01

关于运动的调查报告The survey of sports

When the Beijing Olymic Games is begining.Sport has become a hot topicin.And people play sports every day.So here,I will tell you about my group of sport.

There are four people in my group.They are Tom,Joe,Linda and me.Tom is an American boy.He is very tall,so he likes playing basketball.And he play basketball every day.Joe is an English boy.He run is very quick,so he likesing play soccer.He play soccer every day too.Linda is from Australian.She is very beautiful.She is funny and friendly.She likes playing tennis.She is a tennis star in our school.She often match of tennis.She wants to win a gold medal for her country.The last is me.I like playing with water.I swim twice a week and I like to watching swimming games very much.Swimming is good for health.Swimming help me study better and give me the most wonderful time and interesting in my lift.Swimming can makes me happy ang strong.I love this sport.

We both likes sports.And sports help us keep healthy.Do a lot of sports will help us to study better.

Thats all.




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