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2020-11-15 18:05:01


Some people think that older children should be required to take care of the younger children. Others think that this should be done by parents or other adults. Which do you prefer?


In most cases, some people think that it is parents’ responsibility to take care of the whole family (1) out of various reasons and factors in situations, while others do not think so, which sound reasonable but ironical based on the fickle situations in society and history. As for me, despite the adventure of being entitled as “absolutist”, I will consistently support that older children should share the burden and be required to take care of their younger siblings (2).


(1) 转述题目,或反对的观点


(2) 自己的立场态度


Maybe a lot of people stress the suspect of the authenticity of my point of view, but what I want to demonstrate is, this idea has been certified by our predecessor hundreds of years ago. Abraham Lincoln, for instance, is known as a great man respected by all of the American people, not merely because of his remarkable feat of leading the Union in Civil War and of emancipating the slaves in the South but because of the records and the anecdotes popular in politicians and socialists, telling the story of his family, education background and policies he made to seek his dream. And the reason why he can achieve such a howling success is closely related to the opinion I am holding now. However, despite the seeming irrelevance of the example, try to imagine, if this idea is not accepted doubtlessly, that means Lincoln refused to take the responsibility to take care of his little brothers (3). Consecutively, Lincoln would, in no ways become the man in our memory with integrity and love, as a result of which, he would never be supported by his senators and his people, let alone the fact that he can lead all the northern people to win such a historical battle.


(3) 结合例子引入反对的观点



Admittedly there are still some people who probably think that the time and space makes Lincoln a rare example, which cannot be cited as a ground support to the idea mentioned above. In our daily life, another example, the experience of my friend Jane can help to substantiate what I have held. Jane is a single mother in our lab who always wants to get success in her field. However, the efforts she has made never yield any return. The factor leading to this is thatshe wants to fully control both her work and children while her elder son has repeatedly expressed his willing to share the burden and look after his little brother (3). Although we cannot attribute the unpromising end to the assumption she takes granted, it is a fact that she never thought about other alternative options and just go straight in her own way. So the influence originated, developed and stimulated by the insane hypothesis should be considered a critical element.


(3) 结合例子引入反对的观点



There also exists the fact that some other people still think that parents would be a better mentor for children’s growth (1), but it is obvious that it just helps in some specific situations, which pales in comparison to its opposite claim to such a huge extent that it is unnecessary to approve or disprove it.


(1) 反对的观点



So, judging from the reasoning and examples as well as the sub points I presented as above, we can easily draw the conclusion that older children of the family should be required to look after the younger children (2). Just as everybody knows, coins has their sides, but this fact cannot weaken the argument that there is always a side can be considered more by some people, and cannot weaken the argument that older children also play an indispensable role in a family(2).


(2) 自己的立场态度



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  1. 2021-10-14 18:55流萤&无声[湖南省网友]IP:3409538548
  2. 2020-07-13 09:29海之舟[香港网友]IP:2076681430


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