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「修图」 「滤镜」的英文是?用英文聊网络世界的真真假假

2020-11-18 19:50:01


Sofia 上周末发生了一件事,现在正在和 Bob 分享……

Sofia: So last weekend I finally met the guy I told you about.Sofia:上周末我跟之前和你提过的那个男生见面了。Bob: You mean Steve from the online dating website? How is he?Bob:你是说交友网站的 Steve 吗?他人如何?Sofia: He’s really a nice person, we chatted a lot and had a lot in common, but …Sofia:他人真的很好,我们聊了很多而且有很多共同点,不过…Bob: Yeah?Bob:不过怎样?Sofia: It’s just that… his photo on the dating website was a fake!Sofia:就是…他在交友网站上方的照片完全是假的!Bob: Oh my God, he’s obviously studied how to take a flattering photo! Bob:哦天啊,很明显他有研究怎么拍「照骗」!Sofia: Exactly! I mean, a little bit of retouching is okay, but in his case … it looks nothing like him! Sofia:没错!我觉得一点点修图是可以,但这个情况是… 这根本不是他!

fake (adj.) 假的

假的!一切都是假的!fake 这个形容词的中文意思就是「假的」,也可以用来形容人「虚伪」。fake 也可以用来当名词,意思是「赝品」。

I’ve bought some fake flowers from the store.我从店里买来了一些假花。Get lost with your fake sympathy!带着你虚伪的同情滚开!I thought I was going to be rich when I found what I thought was an antique coin in my deceased grandfather’s cabin, but it turned out to be a fake.当我在我已逝祖父的橱柜里找到一枚古老硬币,我还以为自己要发了,结果原来只是赝品。

flattering photo (n.)

flattering 意指「奉承的;拍马屁的;令人更显漂亮的」,flattering photo 直翻就是「令人更显漂亮的照片」,指的其实就是「照骗」。

She posted flattering photos to get more followers.她发「」来吸引更多人关注。

retouch (v.) 修图

retouch 意指「修图」,re- 这个前缀有「再一次」的意味,touch 则是「碰触」,retouch 字面意思即是「再碰一次」,是不是很有「修图」的感觉呢?

She retouched her photo before she posted it online.她先修了图才把照片发上网。

现今网络上的照片真的不太能相信,Bob 的看法又是如何?

Bob: Haha you must have been shocked.Bob:哈哈哈你一定很震惊。Sofia: Totally. But I suppose nowadays there’s not many “real” photos on the Internet either.Sofia:真的。但我想现在网络上也没多少真实照片。Bob: I agree. What with all the filters and the such even the food doesn’t seem real anymore.Bob:我同意,有了滤镜连食物看起来都不真实了。Sofia: Especially when it comes to people’s selfies.Sofia:尤其是人的自拍照。Bob: That reminds me of some photos I saw on Instagram. Some people retouched their photos so much that they no longer looked like humans.Bob:你让我想到我在 Instagram 看到的一些照片。有些人修图修到看起来都不像人了。Sofia: I really can’t understand why anyone would do that.Sofia:我真的不懂为什么有人会要那么做。Bob: Yeah… they looked really phoney to me.Bob:是啊…那样看起来很做作。

filter (n.) 滤镜

filter 原指「过滤器」,但在摄影界则用来指「滤镜」。

The weather in that photo looks so bad. Let’s put a filter on it!照片里的天气看起来好差。套个滤镜吧!

selfie (n.) 自拍照

selfie 的中文意思为「自拍照」,开头的 self 指的其实就是「自己」。take a selfie 意指「拍自拍照」。

He took a selfie in front of the garden.他在花园前拍了一张自拍照。

phoney (adj.) 做作的

phoney 为形容词,用来形容人「做作的,虚伪的」,亦可拼写为 phony。

I find phoney people distasteful. They’re always pretending to be something they’re not.我觉得做作的人都很讨厌,他们总是很爱装模作样。




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