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2020-11-20 23:30:02

美国在2006年开始推行“天赋少年教育计划”EPGY(The Education Program for Gifted Youth),这个计划在斯坦福大学、康奈尔大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校等20多所美国著名大学展开。面向高中阶段(G9-G12)的“天才学生”(实际上是中国的偏科学生)学生提供数学、物理、和写作的在线教育课程。它的学生年龄范围为13~18岁。










AP Calculus BC AP微积分BC

Applied Statistics运用统计学

AP Statistics AP统计学

Advanced Problem Solving and Proof Techniques 数学验证方法

Honors Geometry 几何学荣誉学分

Honors Precalculus with Trigonometry 三角学荣誉学分

Honors Intermediate Algebra 中级代数荣誉学分

Honors Beginning Algebra 初级代数荣誉学分

Physical Education 物理教育

Physics Lab 物理实验

AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism AP物理C:电磁学

AP Physics C: Mechanics AP物理C:力学

Honors Physics 物理学荣誉学分

AP Biology AP生物

Methodology of Science – Biology生物学

AP Biology Lab AP生物实验

Advanced Topics in Biological Research: Writing Option生物学研究高级课题:写作选择

Advanced Topics in Biological Research生物学研究高级课题

Health 健康学

AP Chemistry AP化学

Chemistry Lab 化学实验

Honors Chemistry 化学荣誉学分

Honors Environmental Science环境科学荣誉学分


Astronomy Research Seminar天文学课题研究

AP Computer Science A AP计算机科学 A

Data Structures and Algorithms in Java Java数据结构和算法

Programming in C++: Techniques and Algorithms C++编程:技术与算法

History and Philosophy of Science科学史与哲学

Democracy, Freedom, and the Rule of Law民主、自由和法治

Critical Reading and Argumentation批判性阅读与论证

Advanced Topics in Philosophy I哲学高级课程1

Advanced Topics in Philosophy II哲学高级课程2

Advanced Topics in Philosophy I: Writing Option哲学高级课程1(写作)

Advanced Topics in Philosophy II: Writing Option哲学高级课程2(写作)

Literary Analysis and Argumentation文学分析与论证

Modes of Writing and Argumentation写作方式与论证

Textual Analysis and Argumentation Writing Lab文本分析与论证:工作坊

Modes of Writing and Argumentation Writing Lab写作模式与论证:工作坊

Multi-Genre Creative Writing Workshop多类型创意写作研讨会

Short Fiction Creative Writing Workshop短篇小说创作工作室

AP English Language and Composition AP英语语言与写作

Critical Theory and Russian Literature批判理论与俄罗斯文学

Critical Theory and the Historical Imagination批判理论与历史想象

AP English Literature and Composition AP英语文学与作文

Advanced Topics in Literature I* (Native American Literature and the Anthropocene)文学高级专题1

Advanced Topics in Literature II* (Ancient and Modern Narratives of War and Dislocation)文学高级专题2

Advanced Topics in Literature I: Writing Option* (Native American Literature and the Anthropocene)文学高级专题1:写作

Advanced Topics in Literature II: Writing Option (Ancient and Modern Narratives of War and ...)文学高级专题2:写作

Leadership Course Series领导力课程系列

Legal Studies: Constitutional Law法律研究:宪法

Living in a Multicultural Society多元文化生活

AP Music Theory AP音乐理论

Portrait Drawing肖像画

Landscape Drawing风景画

The Study of the Mind: Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy心理研究:心理学、神经科学和哲学

History and Philosophy of Art艺术史与哲学

Film and War电影与战争

Revolutions and Rebellions革命和叛乱

Globalization and Imperial Exchange: Alexander the Great to NATO


AP United States History AP美国历史

American Culture and Society美国文化与社会

Advanced History Research Seminar高级历史研究研讨

AP Chinese Language and Culture AP中国语言与文化

AP Latin AP拉丁语

AP Spanish Language and Culture AP西班牙语和文化

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Sex and Sexuality跨学科的性与性研究方法

Human Development in Adolescence青春期的成长

Designing Your Life设计你的生活




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