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2020-12-01 04:05:01


这是亲子英语启蒙小Tips系列(一),此系列所有文章,均由I CAN READ新加坡学术团队原创撰写。英语原版可以下拉查看哦~


今天要和大家分享的,是由I CAN READ新加坡外教团队针对不同年龄段,推荐的经典英文读物。希望大家可以和孩子一起,在这些书的海洋中遨游~

In My Heart: A Book of Feelings

作者:Jo Witek




The Great Big Enormous Book of Tashi

作者:Anna Fienberg and Barbara Fienberg





Dick King - Smith系列丛书

作者:Dick King - Smith



Dick King-Smith写了一百多本儿童英文读物,任何一本书都非常值得推荐给孩子阅读。其中由《牧羊猪》改编而成的电影“Babe”,在世界范围内深受欢迎。父母可以陪同孩子一起阅读书籍,然后再观看改编的电影,享受午后的亲子时光。

Sherlock Sam

作者:A.J. Low





I Can Read’s Book Recommendations

The Team at I Can Read are often asked by parents which books are suitable for their children. And we love being asked this question as this is our area of expertise. If there is one thing we love its books.

We have thought long and hard about this list and the books below are provided as a sample of classic literature that our teachers adore and cherish. We have divided the books into age categories so you can be sure you are getting the most suitable book for your child. Remember with the younger ones, reading should be a joint activity. Also don’t forget that discovering new ideas and discussing themes is sometimes just as important as the reading itself. Make this part of the reading routine.

So check the list, get the books and happy reading to all the family.

4-5 year olds

In My Heart: A Book of Feelings by Jo Witek

This book explores a range of emotions represented by different coloured hearts with fun illustrations to help young learners learn how to describe how they are feeling. Children are exposed to feelings such as happiness, sadness, bravery or anger. Using similes and other literary techniques, enjoy reading this book and learning new vocabulary together with your child.

6-7 year olds

The Great Big Enormous Book of Tashi by Anna Fienberg and Barbara Fienberg

Set in an imaginary world of Tashi, readers get to meet war lords, wicked barons, giants and other nasty beings. Addressing themes of courage, adventure and loyalty, Tashi always knows what to do and what to say. A calm character with a quick wit, Tashi is ready for action and moves fast. Have fun reading the series of books in one big volume!

8-9 year olds

Anything by Dick King - Smith

Introduce your child to the wonderful world of Dick King-Smith. He has written over one hundred children’s books. Any one of the books will instantly become a favourite. Such an example is the film Babe, which was an adaption of The Sheep Pig. This movie, with talking animals became an instant hit worldwide. You can read the book then watch the movie. There’s a fun rainy afternoon well spent.

10 – 11 year olds

Sherlock Sam by A.J. Low

This detective series of books is set in Singapore. Written by a husband and wife team, Sherlock Sam and the Missing Heirloom in Katong won the International Schools Libraries Network’s Red Dot Award 2013-2014 in the Younger Readers’ Category. Reading these books provides a fun way to explore mysteries in your own backyard.



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