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2020-12-07 10:15:01

作者:CHAD 翻译:可艺


While I’ve lived here for some time and experienced the Chinese culture a little, I have found my own way on how to relax and enjoy a nice day.


Thankfully where I live, there aren’t many cars, so I can hear the birds chirping outside. Where I sit and have tea, I have long tables to display the trees as well as displaying some trees on the very table I’d be sitting at. Maybe in the morning I’ll display some junipers where I sit and then in the afternoon switch the trees to some flowering ones.


Some days I’ll be home alone, so I’ll use the ipad for some traditional Chinese music, but on other days when my wife is home, I’ll ask her to play the guqin and we can enjoy some tea and the day together. I’ll even have some nice smelling incense burning to help make the time more relaxing.


Now some people might think that they don’t have a large window or table for the trees and tea, or that their apartment is too small and can’t have such an experience like I have. With a small stand, you can still enjoy tea with a couple of trees on your table. I have a friend from my hometown who has 3 little juniper trees and enjoys displaying them on his kitchen table while drinking tea. He doesn’t have any Chinese music being played and no incense. To him, just the peace and quiet with his little trees he displayed, was good enough for him!


While some people have large collections, and others, smaller ones, one thing is for certain, they’ve all enjoyed the company of the penjing they grow.

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  1. 2020-12-25 16:04淳于惠兰[宁夏网友]IP:2101236166


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