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用英语说“我想你”的40多种方式 Say “I Miss You” in English

2020-12-09 19:50:01

“I can’t work because all I do is think of you.” “我无法工作,因为我所做的一切就是想着你”

The phrase “I miss you” seems too weak for some situations. It doesn’t capture that feeling of chaos and minor catastrophe caused by the absence of a true love or however you call them. To give the phrase more depth, sometimes you need to add props or a few extra words.



1. I can’t stop thinking about you.(我无法停止对你的思念)

2. I can’t wait to see you again.(我等不及要再见到你了)

3. When will I see you again?(我什么时候能再见到你)

4. I hope I see you again soon.(我希望不久能再见到你)

5. I feel sad without you.(没有你我很难过)

6. All I do is think of you.(我所做的一切就是想你)

7. I wish you were here.(我希望你在这里)

8. I’m counting down the days.(我在倒计时)

9. I’m counting the days until I see you again.(我在数日子,直到再见到你)

10. Your picture makes me smile.(你的照片使我微笑)

11. I think of you night and day.(我日夜思念着你)

12. I was thinking about you and it made me smile.(我在想你,这让我笑了)

13. I’ve been thinking of you.(我一直在想你)

14. You have been running through my head all night.(你整晚都在我脑子里转来转去)

15. I can’t wait to see your beautiful face.(我迫不及待地想看到你美丽的脸庞)

16. I think about you all the time.(我每时每刻都在想你)

17. I smile when I think of the time we spent together.(当我想起我们一起度过的时光时,我笑了)

18. I miss you so much it hurts.(我非常想你,这好痛)

19. I can’t work because all I do is think of you.(我无法工作,因为我所做的一切就是想着你)

20. I can’t sleep because I have been thinking of you so much.(我睡不着,因为我一直在想你)

21. I need you now.(我现在需要你)

22. I can’t wait to be with you again.(我等不及要和你在一起了)

23. I can’t wait to talk to you again.(我等不及要再和你谈谈)

24. I look forward to seeing you again.(我盼望再次见到你)

25. I would like to be with you again.(我想再和你在一起)

26. The world is not the same when you are away.(你不在的时候,世界不一样了)

27. You’ve been on my mind.(你一直在我的脑海里)

28. You occupy my thoughts.(你占据我的思想)

29. I yearn for you.(我渴望你)

30. I long for you.(我渴望你)

31. You crossed my mind.(你穿过我的脑海里)

32. I smile when I think of the time we spent together.(当我想起我们一起度过的时光时,我笑了)

33. I miss you so much.(我好想你)

34. I want you here with me now.(我希望你现在和我在一起)

35. I’m incomplete without you.(没有你我是不完整的)

36. My life has a void when you are not with me.(当你不在我身边时,我的生活变得空虚)

37. I’m so unhappy without you.(没有你我很不开心)

38. Can’t breath without you.(没有你不能呼吸)

39. Your presence makes me a happy person.(你的出现使我成为一个快乐的人)

40. My life is meaningless without you.(没有你,我的生命毫无意义)



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