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2021-01-31 00:35:01




My aunt went to Nanning to see me yesterday. I was very happy. She arrived on friday niht. On Saturday, we went to the zoo, which has many interesting things. There are lovely delphis, sealions, special birds, acrobatic show, and so on. However, the most excited thing is the Roller Coaster,

which is the thing that I dream to play but dont dear. Having hesitated for a long time, I decided to play once. In fact,I wasnt too afraid to play it. When we went out the zoo, it was already six o’clock. It was our dinner time. After dinner,I had to go back to school. It’s a wonderful day!


Today is Monday. I got up at 6:30 a.m.. Then I washed my face and ate breakfast. Milk, bread, egg and porridge are my favorites. My mother always getsup early and cooks for me. This morning, I drank a cup of milk and ate bread and an egg.After breakfast, I went to school at 7:00.School started at 7:50 and I usually get there at 7:30. I had English, history, math and geography in the morning.

I liked English very much, because my English teacher is very nice.After school in the morning, I went home at 11:30. Then I ate lunch and then had a short rest.I went to school at 14:00.In the afternoon, I had four classes: music, biology, and two periods ofChinese. I liked Chinese, too, because Chinese is our national language and its very beautiful.After school, I went home for dinner. After dinner,I spent half and an hour inmy homework. Then I watched TV and played computer games.


Like most Chinese primary students, my life is quite simple. Get up in the morning, have breakfast and then go to school. My day always begins like that. But every single day is so different from each other. For example, I meet different people on my way to school. I have different new classes every day,

so I always learn new knowledge. And the happiness is different. Yesterday I might be happy because I got high scores in the exam, but today I am happy because I play with my classmates. Knowledge and happiness make my every single day and life rich.


It is Sunday . I ’ m in the park with me friend . in the park we are playing football and some interesting games . in no on . I’ m having lunch in the home . at ten past thirteen . I’m sleep in my bed. Sometimes I’m doing my homewoke .

In the afternoon. I usually play computer games in the study. But my father doesn’t. he usually reads some newspaper or watches TV in the sittingroom . my mother doesn’t. she usually cooks and washes clothes. At night . I’m watching cartoons foom half past seven to nine to ten. I go to bed at nine o’ clock. This is my one’ day.

How about you the weekweed?


Now, the new term begins. I live the life normal as before. Every morning, I get up at 6:30. After washing, I eat breakfast at home. My mother always cooks delicious and nutritious breakfast for me. I usually go to school at 7:20 by bike. It only takes me ten minutes to get to the school.

We have the morning reading at 7:40 and the classes begin from 8:00. I usually have Chinese, math, English and other subjects. I go home at noon and have a short rest at home. Classes are over at 5:30. I usually play at school for a while and then go home. At night, I usually finish my homework and then watch TV. About 10:00, I go to bed. This is my all day.



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