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四级英语作文:知识之美 The Beauty of Knowledge

2021-02-19 23:40:01

四级英语作文:知识之美 The Beauty of Knowledge

Praise of knowledge has never come to an end since ancient times. Apparently, knowledge is a treasure that everybody volunteers to possess and much of success could be attributed to it directly or indirectly.

As far as I am concerned, the beauty of knowledge can be explained in three aspects.

Firstly, knowledge is open to all human beings. People can learn whatever they wish in one way or another. Secondly, knowledge learnt can be reflected in ones later life, so that one knows how to savor the present moment in peaceful times and how to deal with problems in difficult times. Last but not least, one of the most prominent features of knowledge is that one carries it throughout his life. Even if one loses a large fortune, he will never be a beggar if he already knows how to make money.

To sum up, knowledge is of great importance in ones lifetime. It is advisable that one should learn the beauty of knowledge and enjoy the process of learning.



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