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2021-04-02 05:35:01


Thank you for your attention; it is my greatest honor and luck to be able to stand here before you, my respected teachers.

What I have done last year was my dream for many years. I was born and raised in a remote mountain region near Dabieshan. I have a twin brother, but my families only afford to provide a chance of education to only one child, me the lucky one because my brother gave up his. Last year has been full of tears and strikes for me. With strong will for a master’s degree and a chance to learn more, I gave up the job offer of Microsoft last month. My bad health condition also challenged me during my preparation for the test. However, I successfully persisted to the end with a satisfying result. No matter the final result might be, I think I can say to my dear poor brother that I haven’t wasted the chance he sacrificed for me.

People like to talk about their hobbies and strong points in self-introductions, but to be honest, as I am from a poor family and I spent most of the time on books, I have to say books are the only fun for me.

In the field of computer science, there are many questions that I would like to research further, such as…….

1. A poor family

2. have brothers/sisters; they give up schooling for me.

3. I’m the only hope of the family.

4. I’ve found a good job,but I’ve given it up for further education.

5. I have encountered a lot of setbacks and frustrations last year, but I persisted.



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