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2022-02-13 10:15:01



Sand and sand, a spring rain falls, the earth will be full of life, all things recovery. Spring is the first and most beautiful season of the four seasons. Spring is beautiful, extravagant, lovely, brilliant and charming.


Next, let me tell you!


Look, in the orchard, peach blossoms are blooming with their bright smiles. Red like fire, pink like Xia, white like snow, beautiful! Even the white apricot flowers are trying to open up, as if they are competing with peach flowers. It"s a beautiful spring.


Next to them, big trees sprout new buds, tender and tender, like babies just born. Grass and bamboo shoots are also slowly sticking out their heads, as if they are watching the most beautiful season. The spring fog is thin and thin, a thread, a thread, like a fairy mirror. This is the spring of luxury.


"On March 3, another year, kites fly all over the sky." In the park, a group of children take their beloved kites and fly them in the spring. They represent a naive dream, a gift to welcome the spring, and a yearning for childhood. It"s lovely spring.


When you look up at the sky, you will find that a group of swallows in black dresses are flying across the sky. Their bright eyes illuminate the earth with a little warmth. The ducks in the pond are swimming happily. It can be said that there are three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, and the spring river warms the duck. It"s brilliant spring.


Of course, the most beautiful flower in spring is the winter jasmine! She is the messenger of spring and the spirit of spring. She was dressed in gold and made herself so charming and beautiful. She wakes up all the flowers. All the flowers are blooming in the most beautiful season. Even wild flowers are much more beautiful! It"s a charming spring.


Spring can only call, not wait.


Spring can only be sung, not enjoyed.


Spring comes with a breeze.


In spring, follow the oriole"s song.


Standing on the green field, do you feel that spring is really coming?



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